V-E-V- odds and ends
A new Hispano-Suiza Club has been formed, the Hon. Sec. of which is David Brookbank, Victory House, Leicester Square, London, WC2. The 12th National Standard Register Rally will be held at Eathorpe Park Hotel, Fosse Way, Eathorpe, near Leamington Spa on August 22nd, when events will range from a car-and-lady beauty show to a “quietest Standard” competition, with prizes for longest distance covered and a Concours de Comfort, popular in pre-war days, to determine the most comfortable and commodious Standard present. Visitors are welcome.
The Morris Register’s National Rally will he held at Stanford Hall, Rugby, on September 4th. They expect some 125 or more pre-war Morris cars and any models pre-1940, including commercials, are welcome. Details from: A. Peeling, 28, Leirton House, Ossulton Street, London, NW1.
The Scott OC has its National Rally on September 12th at Crown Meadow, Evesham, Worcs. About 80 Scotts from 1913 models downwards usually attend; so if you like the Scott yowl….