All about the Midget.

The marvellous performance of the M.G. Midget has been one of the outstanding features of the racing world since its inception, and a very well produced booklet has recently been issued by the M.G. Car Company dealing with its achievements entitled “A Chequered Career” After paying a tribute to the sympathetic support and guidance of Sir William Morris in bringing the M.G. Company to its present position of eminence, the booklet goes on to describe the evolution of the car from its first entry into the racing field until the present day.

It will be remembered that the Midget Wen the team prize in the 1930 Double Twelve, but its greatest series of victories was in 1931, when the ” hat-trick ” was accomplished by winning the Double Twelve, the Irish Grand Prix, and the ‘Ulster T.T.

First place eluded the make this year until the ” 500 ” at Brooklands, which Was won by Horton at the terrific average Speed of 96.29 m.p.h. The history of the car in records has

been just as overwhelming, for the M.G. Midget was the first 750 c.c, car to exceed 100 m.p.h., and the first 750 c.c. car to cover 100 miles in one hour. In addition, 11 International Class ” H ” records stand to its credit, and both lap records for the outside and Mountain Circuits at Brooklands.

No make has a finer career to its credit, and a limited number of copies of the booklet, which is profusely illustrated, are available from the M.G. Car Co. Ltd., Pavlova Works, Abingdon on Thames.

Two One-Make Magazines.

ENTHUSIASIVI of private owners for their cars has not been affected to the slightest degree by mass production, and this interest can be greatly stimulated by the magazines published by manufacturers. The Morris, Austin and Riley magazines are already firmly established in popular favour, and two interesting additions have recently come to our notice. The first is the Standard Car Review, which is a very well produced journal dealing with motoring in general, and

Standard cars in particular. Some of the. subjects dealt with are care and maintenance of various Standard models ; suggestions for tours and trips to picturesque spots in the country ; technical articles.. on automobile design ; and fully illustrated reports of sporting events. As some very sporting models are turned out by various coachbuilders on the Standard. chassis, the Standard Car Review, whichi is issued monthly at a cost of 3d., should be of interest to all sports car enthusiasts.

Then there is a new publication entitled ” Popular Motoring” which is issued under the aegis of the Singer Company, of Coventry. The aim of the publishers has been to produce a magazine which is of interest to other motorists besides Singer owners, and in this they have succeeded remarkably well. The October issue, for example, contained exceedingly amusing articles by Stephen . Leacock, the Earl of Cardigan, Denis Dunn, and Sydney Howard, and a very good short story, “Moon-spell.” In fact the magazine is full of interesting motoring matter, and a nice balance of serious articles and those in lighter vein has been.. preserved.