Varley Batter
Vital but heavy, and liability in an accident, old-fashioned batteries simply do not pass motor racing's acid test. But then some bright spark in the aerospace industry solved the problem…
To meet the repeated demands for something on the lines of the old Spare Parts Announcements, we. have instituted a system of inexpensive advertisements. Each announcement must be limited to twelve words, plus the advertiser’s sufficient, postal address, and the charge will be is. Cid. per announcement, payable at time of posting. The system will be governed by the following rules : (1) Each announcement to cost Is. 6d. and be limited to twelve words and the advertiser’s address. Box Numbers cannot be used. •
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(4) The proprietors of MOT( R SPORT Offer this scheme for the mutual benefit of enthusiasts and can take no responsibility of any sort whatsoever. All transactions must be made to the published addresses and no Correspondence can be entered Into in respect of announcements, transactions or any other matters arising from the scheme.
(5) Announcements should be sent within eight days of the publication of the current issue of MOTOR SPORT, accompanied by stamps or crossed postal orders to the required amount. Cheques or man cannot be accepted. WANTED
936 N1 A ( N F1″11.1 setni-downdraught 8,1′ . ii j4 abto fl y wheel housing wit Ii iti(crnal oilway. II. Pyhus, 70, Shardlow Road, likivi3s(t■’;11. 2,1).:11;11′”I’ttE Bugatti, also ’31 Frazer
‘ “2: Nash N.S. rear hub. B. Pybus, 70, Shardlow Road • Alvaston, Derby.
R'( I N air-cooled V-twin engine, D.T. Dittiglat.; etighip, or two racing single-cylimkr engines of :.karOl, Iypc. G19:14 P.A. 2-:water’. wash. order. reason
• ;title 1)110′, for R.A.F. mechanic. TlionlaS, 19, Middlewieh Road, -Holmes Chapel, Ches. FOR SALE
pERF14.1CT 5e011 (1111 magneto for six-cylinder, little used. No longer required. Clarke, efo Mrs. Bun, The Dales, Tattershall Bridge. Lincs.
mI, TYPE M.G., good order, $8 m.p.g. £30 or near offer. Butler, 1, Bawkhurst Way, West Wickham, Kent.
BARAB u-ittre open tourer. In good running order. £30. H. W. Goode, 4, Clifton, York. ‘TLEY Spares, also chassis. 23, Greenleaf Road, E.17. LA It. 1805.
SHOCK Absorbers. Complete set 1. VII X fre111 11-litre 1938 M.G. £4. ;Melbourne, Quantoeks, Valley Road, West Bridgford, Notting ham. Spares Section, MOTOR SPORT, 21, CITY ROAD, LONDON, E.C.1