What is it?

Enclosed you will find pictures of an engine which I acquired when I purchased my house some years ago. In spite of much searching, reading and talking to local inhabitants I have been unable to find out anything about the engine.

Local rumour has it, that it was designed in the period of the First World War, by an Indian gentleman, who later went to France and was connected with the development of the Gnome aero engine. I would find this hard to believe, bearing in mind the level of technological development in India at that time.

Attached to the engine normally is an elegant propeller (silver-tipped) of about 3 ft. to 3 ft. 6 in. span: this fits onto the crankshaft. This may have been made by the previous owner of my house, who was carpentry master at the local school.

Some facts are as follows:—Plugs 18 mm., magneto ML, marking on engine—rotary, oil supplied by drip feed, carburetter fits into the crankcase. The engine does not appear to have valves in the conventional sense, I do not know if the engine is a 2- or 4-stroke.

The engine is in working condition, and was apparently used by the previous owner to drive his boat.

I would be extremely grateful for any information or ideas you might have on the history or origin of the engine.

R. B. Leslie.