
According to The Migraine Trust his distressing disease afflicts some 5-million people in this country. We hope that not many of our readers are among them and we ourselves are fortunate in never having had more than a few attacks, and these of very brief duration without the accompanying headache, so probably caused more by riotous living than any organic maladjustment. However, form one such spell of seeing the bright lights, without the tranquillity which they say accompanies drug-taking and while driving a car, we can sympathise fully with those who suffer more severely.

Indeed, although after a few minutes’ walk we were able to resume driving with no re-occurrence of the attack, we were sufficiently disturbed to mention the thing to an ex-RAF friend. He told us he once had a migraine while formatting in a flight of Tiger Moths, so that he was obliged to pretend he had engine trouble and peel off. As he is a healthy fellow and the RAF medical is notoriously thorough we felt better about our distinctly mini-migraine. But in case we have induced the complaint in those who spend much time reading Motor Sport’s small advertisements we felt we should mention that The Migraine Trust has published a little book “Focus in Migraine” to help sufferers. It costs 10p and they also ask for donations towards their research work. Their address is 23 Queen Square, London, WC 1N 3AY.W.B.