Ulster Replica



Ulster Replica

Regarding last month’s article on Austin Ulsters, the story of a reproduction Ulster with one of my bodies fooling admire is incorrect. It was tempting to let it pass, axis would have been good for the reputation of my bodies. However I know which car was referred to. It had started life as a genuine Ulster, but its specification had been so changed that it was only wonh a fraction of the asking Price.

It is unlikely that a GRP (glass reinforced plastic) bodied reproduction could be passed off . as a genuine car. Close inspection would reveal the wrong body material and the modified touring components. Many people want genuine cars for their prestige value, but aren’t interested enough to learn all about the cars before buying one These people, it is said there is one born every minute, may be cheated, but it is doubtful if a real enthusiast would be caught.

My book, which costs £3 including P&P, is intended to help the less well off build a car which looks and performs like the real thing, although lacking the prestige of being genuine. There are more mechanics/ parts lythg around than there are bodies. If they are to be used new bodies have to be made. Good reproductions enable people to see what the original cars used to look like. This is especially worthwhile in the case of cars that no longer exist. Worthing, Sussex. CHRIS GOULD