A Statement Refuted.

A Statement Refuted. with the of the Lanchester

Fconnecti(m with the acquisition of the Lanchester Company by the B.S.A.. group, it has been stated in certain sections of the Press that the B.S.A. concern also has a working arrangement with Singer & Co., Ltd. This is altogether incorrect.

When When sonic years ago the Singer Company bought their huge works at Birmingham from the B.S.A. group there was a suggestion that a working arrangement should be entered into, but this never materialized. The only agreement existing between the two firms is one which concerns the movement of railway trucks to and from the main line across the B.S.A. siding to the Singer works.

There is no other arrangement whatever. The Singer Company however, during the past few years have acquired the works of various manufacturers, such as the Coventry Repetition Co., the Calcott Motor Co., the Sparkbrook Manufacturing Co., and the Coventry Premier Co., Ltd.