Motor Sport Classified Advertisement Section


T AGONDA, Huskinson & Pane, Ltd. Grosvenor -1-4 3016.

QPECIAL LagondaTAgents for West End. Trial Ks) runs at any time. Deferred Terms and your present car taken in part exchange.—Huskinson & Pane, Ltd., 11, Curzon St., W.1.


i‘1 .G . —Huskinson & Fane, Ltd. Grosvenor 3016.

A UTI 10 R ISED M.G. AGENTS. Trial rims 471, arranged at any time. Earliest delivery of all models, MO uding New Mark II. 6-cylinder.—-11. & F., Ltd. SECOND-HAND SPORTS CARS ASTON MARTIN

A STON MARTIN Sports 2-seater, fabric body, extremely smart car, in new condition, 5 new tyres black and red, very fast ; £150.—Gillow, 142, Holland Park Av., W.11. Park 6736. BENTLEY

KEVILL-DAVIES and MARCH, Ltd., late of Bentley Motors, Ltd., 9, Bruton St., W.1. (second floor (Mayfair 5446-7), have a number of guaranteed second-hand Bentleys in stock. BUGATTI

Tits UGATT I Grand Prix Models, 8-cyl., supercharged -1–P and unsupercharged, Targo Florio and T.T. models, available at reasonable prices.—Thomson and Taylor, Brooklands Track, Byfteet, Surrey (Byfleet 520), and Cobham, Surrey (Cobham) 58.

OCTOBER, 1928, 11-litre Bugatti Grand Prix 2seater, fully equipped, excellent order, 90 m.p.h. ; £175.—Schneider Automobiles, 138, Long Acre. SECOND-HAND SPORTS CARS (continued) FRAZER-NASH VRAZER NASH cars. Falcon Works, London Rd., L.lsleworth (Hounslow 3172) always have for disposal reconditioned and guaranteed cars, fitted with new tyres and P.W.B. prices from £125

‘LATE 1927. Frazer Nash Super Sports. Alu-1-4 minium body. Excellent condition. Exceptionally fast. j:11:5. Schneider Automobiles, 138, Long Acre, W.C.2. LEA FRANCIS S. E. LONGMAN OFFERS:— 1.928• 12-50 h.p. Sports Lea-Francis 4-sestet, • twhi carburetter, finished attractively in 2-tone blue, excellent mechanical condition and

very smart appearance. £i00 5, Woodstock St., Oxford St., London, Mayfair 2631. Open 5 p.m. Saturday.

Guineas.-11-litre 1929 model Lea-Francis 1.,J%1 Hyper sports supercharged tourer, fitted 6 wire wheels and new tyres, perfect mechanical condition throughout ; exchanges and extended payments.—Portman Motors, Ltd., 108, Baker St., W.1. ‘Phone : Wel beck 4183-4.


ERCEDES-BENZ CARS, 37, Davies St., Lon17-11don, W.1. ‘Phone : Mayfair 4148. ‘crams: Mercbenz, Wesdo, London.

1930 Mercedes-Benz Series S.S.K. 2-seater, mileage approx. 4,000 as new ; £1,850.

38-250 11.P.1930 Series Type S.S. 4-seater standard touring car, mileage 6,000, condition as new, several extras ; £1,750.

36-220 h.p. Type S 1928 4-seater standard open touring car, painted fawn with green wings, in excellent condition ; £1,150.

36-220 “.Type S 1928 4-seater standard open touring car, painted white, in excellent condition ; £1,100.

MERCEDES-IIENZ CARS, 37, Davies St., London, W.I. ‘Phone : Mayfair 4148. ‘Grains : lelercbenz, Wesdo, London. LATE 1926-27 33-180 h.p. Supercharged Mercedes -1-4 Sports 4-seater, short chassis, exceedingly fast,

capable of very high speeds ; sacrifice price ; exchanges, instalments ; any trial.—W. Jordan, 61, Lancaster Mews, Craven Ter., Lancaster Gate.

Paddington 1146.


.0 . RAWLENCE and Co., Ltd. (Sole Concession -Li aires), always have a selection of guaranteed second-hand O.M. cars of current model at attractive prices.-39, Sackville St., Piccadilly, W.1. (1100 Regent).

QERVICE Station 5, Lower Marsh, es K-./ Bridge Rd., S.E.1. (1543 Hop). 169 Guineas.-1929 O.M. sports fabric 4-door tourer by Cadogan, hide covered pneumatic upholstery, very smart and fast, as new ; exchanges and extended payments.—Portinan Motors, Ltd., 108, Baker St, W.1 . Phone : Welbeck 4183-4.m

1928 15-40 lip. O.M. sports saloon, finished crimson lake and black, very nice condition; £125.–jack Olding and Co., Ltd., 8-10, North Audley St., W.1. (‘Phone: Mayfair 5242-4), and 19, Brick St., W.1. (‘Phone : Grosvenor 2780-1). BO.M. CARS WANTED. ARTLETT for Sports Cars, including O.M.-27a, Pembridge Villas, W.11. Park 0523. V. G. SMITH (MOTORS), Ltd. Goodmayes,


TEL. : Seven Kings 1000 (7 lines).


Rival( 1930 9 h.p. Biarritz Special saloon, twin carburetter model, black fabric, red wheels, red leather upholstery, fitted with special large Lut135 Biflex head lamps small mileage, very carefully used, engine oil changed every 1,000 miles since new, one owner, averaging 40 m.p.g., oil consumption negligible, will do over 70 m.p.h. ; cost £360, our price guaranteed, £235, deposit £50.


RILEY 1930 9 h p. Special Monaco Saloon, twin carburetter model, special colour scheme, cream wheels, wings and body up to waist line peacock blue, above waist line and top of bonnet-mottled blue upholstery, fitted with upper cylinder lubrication device to carburetters, thermostat in top water connection, with thermometer on dash, very carefully used, one owner, and in faultless condition, engine oil changed methodically every 1,000 miles since new, over 70 m.p.h., guaranteed easily the prettiest Riley on the road ; our price 4235, deposit 450.

RILEY 1930 9 h.p. Special Monaco Saloon, twin carburetter model, light green fabric body, with cream piping and wheels, cream leather upholstery, small mileage and in condition equal to new ; our price guaranteed ; £235; deposit 450.

Rnxv1928 9 h.p. Riley Monaco Saloons, choice of 2 cars, dark green or maroon, guaranteed ; £140; deposit 430.

RILEY 1928 9 h.p. Special Sports 4-seater, fitted with very nice coachbuilt aluminium panelled body black and red, with red leather upholstery, tonneau cover, very smart and fast ; £140; deposit £0.

RILEY 1931 9 h.p. Phis Series Monaco Saloon, in stock for immediate delivery, black and dark red ; £298; deposit 460.

F. G. SMITH (MOTORS), Ltd., Goodmayes, Ilford, London. SALMSON

VADUM Co., the used Salmson specialists, offer cars below at rock-bottom prices, all 9.5 h.p. ; all open R.A.C. or A.A. examination ; 35-40 m.p.g., insurance under new regulations only £1/0/6 ; deferred, exchanges. Open Saturdays.

Q Guineas.-1926 sports, very smart indeed, Vee t-Pt./ screens, starter.

)70 Guineas.—I9281 low chassis underslung Grand I f”, Prix, longtail fabric body, English screen many accessories, taxed.

Guineas.-19’27 Grand Prix, longtail fabric 5el body, good balloons, very smart ; another. Vee screens, concealed hood, taxed ; 55 guineas.

LEEDS & OXLEY, 438, Edgware Road, W.2. Paddington 3843.


nou Standard 9 h.p. Teignmouth Saloon, blue, 1 if Z.4 (1 excellent condition ; £120.—Leeds and Oxley, 439, Edgware Rd., W.2. Paddington 3843.


1931 Model Vanden Plan 90 Talbot Sports 4seater, absolutely as new throughout, small mileage, used for demonstration work only : cost 4735, offered at £635.—Gaffkin Wilkinson & Co., Ltd., 17a, Hanover Sq., W.I. Tel.: Mayfair 3425 (4 lines). Q4411 Talbot 14-45 h.p. Sportsman’s Coupe, black

u gun, fabric, with green waistband and wire wheels, Triplex, small mileage, perrect condition ; 4250.-13.M.C., Ltd., 8, Brick St., Park Lane, V. Grosvenor 1768-9. TALBOT

1,20 Talbot 14-45 h.p. A.G. Sportsman’s Coupe, rj exceptional condition, sliding roof, good tyres, black bodywork, red wire wheels, £185; another at £175.–Chambers and Bright, 204-6, Great Portland St., W.I. Museum 6123-4. TRACTA 1 090 T6raocot(i.)1 1s7paabrreic 2 s unused, a tde r , exceptionally I0 Ii i 1 e mileage

tractive, fast ; £265.—Schneider Automobiles, 138, Long Acre. VAUXHALL 30_, Q VAUXHALL, tuned for high speeds by (-) highly efficient mechanics, always large selection of these cars in stock. Messrs. Modern Cars,

Ltd., 196, Great Portland Street, V. I. Museum 2947-8.


ODERN CARS, LTD., the largest stock of 30/98 Vauxhalls in Great Britain. 196-198, Great Portland Street, W.I. Museum 2947.

Q H.P. VAUXHALL Modern Cars, Ltd., O-08 Buy for cash.

30_,Q VAUXHALLS always in stock. ‘minek-) diate delivery. Messrs. Modern Cars, Ltd., 196, Gt. Portland St., W.1 Museum 2947.

TA.V X 11 ALL, Hurlingham Super Sports ‘2-seater, fitted latest type 1931 engine, capable of 90 m.p.h. ; cost 4650, our price £385.—George Newman and Co., 369, E’u.ston Rd., London. Museum 7741.

L•Q (j-30.98 h.p. Vauxhall Velox 4-scater touring. ot-o•-,•=1 finished Nile blue, with wings to match, cream wire wheels, self Starter, leatherette upholstery, bodywork and upholstery itusoiled, eilT had careful usage since new, only needs seeing : 439, or exchange.—Bambers, The Headrow, 4, Guildford St., Leeds. ‘Phone : 20164. Also branch showrooms at Birkdale, Southport, and 16, Cambridge St., Sheffield. VERNON-DERBY

QPROSEN, Ltd.-1930 Vernon-Derby 6-cyl. super L) sports 2-seater, black and green, very fast.

SPR OSEN .-1928 special 6-cyl. 12 h.p. sportsman’s coupe, blue and beige.

SPROSEN.-1928 super sports 2-seater, blue and cream, excellent condition ; 2 others, all guar anteed.-111, Great Portland St., London, Laugh= 1212. p ARTLETT for Guaranteed Sports Cars.—VernonDerby 1929 model 14 h.p. 6-cyl. super sports, 4 speeds, low streamlined body, cycle type wings, 10 to 70 m.p.h. in top ; cheapest ever offered, £85;

exchanges, deferred.-27a, Pembridge Notting Hill Gate.


QPROSEN V zoit V er nonI) r by Sports C.Ars NJ 1 I I , Ort!at Portland St., W. Langham, 1212.


HIGH efficiency tuning on 30-98 Vauxhalls, for hill-climbing, road and track racing, and all competition work undertaken by specialists and highly skilled mechanics. Apply Messrs. Modern Cars Ltd., 196, Great Portlan.. Street, W.1 I. museum 2947-8. TYRES

ULL’S. ‘Phone, Temple Bar 1747. ‘Grams.

” Bulrublim, Westrand.” Value ! Economy ! ! Service ! ! ! L. J. Bull (Director), connected with the trade since 1895. Tyres carriage paid against remittance or c.o.d. first passenger train. Fitted free in 5 minutes. You want the best tyres ! We have them ! India, Dunlop, Michelin, Goodyear, Pirelli, Avon, Davies, etc., etc. London distributors for the internationally famous Seiberling Super mileage tyres. Bull’s tyres are ” real” value.—Bull’s Rubber Co. Ltd., 3, Upper Saint Martin’s Lane, London, W.C.2.