THE M.G. factory at Abingdon is chiefly notable as a proof of the fact that for real enthusiasm in motoring a sports car is essential. It is furthermore a proof of the fact that the demand for “sports cars only” is enough to cause ever-increasing space to be required for their construction.

From the day when Mr. Cecil Kimber first appeared with a hottedup and very much modified MorrisCowley, and competed so successfully in trials with this car, the marque has never looked back.

A few years ago the first type of 14-40 h.p. M.G., based on. the famous Morris chassis, combined the wellknown reliability of this type with a real sports car performance.

In this model, now no longer made but still giving fine service in many climes, a new era was opened in the sports car market.

The old idea that a sports car was an unreliable, tc mperamental, though exciting piece of mechanism with no particular attempt at comfort, was finally done away with, and the way was being paved for the smooth running, fast and lively car which has become so popular to-day. It was shown at last that the sports car (as opposed to a racing car) could be used for every day business as well as for fast touring and competition work, and the production of the first M.G. steadilyioutgrew the

bounds of its small works at Oxford, and larger space had to be found. The demand increased and another

move was made, this time to Cowley, where the introduction of the Midget and the M.G. Six once more overtaxed the powers of the works.

Finally, a move was made to Abingdon, where the very much greater space has so far been able to cope with the demand.

Never has a new type of sports car had such an unchecked success as this make, and the firm has always possessed an uncanny knack of knowing exactly what the sports car public wants before they know themselves.

The Six has always been popular with those who wanted a fast smooth car with ample accommodation, but there is no doubt that the now ubiquitous Midget has been the most popular of all, owing to its low price and economy, combined with real performance.

It brought a genuine sports car for the first time within the reach of those to whom it had hitherto been no more than a dream, and the Midget sold in its hundreds.

As was only natural with such a car, enthusiastic owners started racing it, and its success in the 1930 Double-Twelve led to the introduction of a special competition model.

Increasing demand for a car within this class led to further experiment, and in conjunction witn Mr. G. E. T. Eyston the first record breaking M.G. Midget was successfully run at Monthlery. M.G.’s have never believed in letting the grass grow under their feet, and people had hardly got used to the idea of an 85 m.p.h. Midget before a supercharged edition had made history by passing the 100 m.p.h. mark, and the now well

Two close-ups of the Magna chassis—above, the upswept frame which allows of a remarkably low

build, and below, the rear axle layout and suspension. Note the gear lever.

are still fresh in everyone’s memory, and already the firm are going full steam ahead on the production of their latest model, the M.G. Magna. This attractive small six was one of the outstanding models at this year’s show, and a very large weekly production is already going through the works to cope with the demand. A further new model is the long chassis Midget, introduced to answer the demand for a 4-seater body on this chassis. The Monthlery Midget and the 18-80 six cylinder speed

known Monthlery Midget was introduced. Its subsequent successes in the Double Twelve, the Irish Grand Prix and the Ulster Tourist Trophy

model complete the range of this unique sports car.

Brief Specification.

M.G. Magna.

Number of cylinders : 6.

Cubic capacity. 1,250 c.c. Treasury rating, 12.08 (tax 412)

Size of tyres : 27itt. by 4in.

Track : 3ft. 6in.

Wheelbase : 7f1. 10in.

Overall width : 4ft. 2in.

Overall length : 10ft. 6fin.

Capacity of petrol tank : 6 gals. Ground clearance under rear axle :


Weight of Chassis : 9i cwt. Gear ratios : 19.2, 9.56, 6.3 and 4.78

to 1. Reverse 19.2 to 1.

Price : Sports 4-seater 2250.