Club News, February 1932

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THE honorary Secretary of the Motor Cycling Club, Mr. J. A. Masters, writes that there appears to be a general desire amongst members that the club should continue to exhibit the film of club events from time to time as occasion arises, and that this means that the work of taking new films must be maintained in order to keep things up-to-date. He is, therefore, anxious to get further co-operation from members who are interested in the work, and the Committee particulArly desire to hear from members who, having suitable apparatus, would be willing to assist by taking films of the various forthcoming events.

It is, of course, understood that members would not be involved in any expense, but no scheme can be formulated until it is known what measure of support will be forthcoming.

The club film is made on the 16 ta.m. sub-standard film and either negativepositive or reversal stock would be suitable.

Amateur cameramen are requested to get in touch with the secretary as early as possible.


As announced elsewhere in this issue, the Sutton C.old,field and North Birmingham Club will hold their popular annual event, the Colmore Trial on Saturday, the 13th of this month.

The club’s programme for 1932 includes the following :—May—The ” Vesey ” Cap trial ; July—Yorkshire weekend trial ; September—Evening trial ; November–” Shell” Cup trial.

The 1897 Commemoration Run for veteran vehicles is provisionally arranged for September.

Application for membership to Sunbac should be addressed to the Secretary, 10, Warwick Chambers, Corporation Street, Birmingham.


The annual general meeting was held in the Dolphin Hotel, Dublin, a short time ago. There was a large attendance, and the president, Mr. J. J. Shiel, occupied the chair. The hon. secretary, Mr. J. Hopkins, in his report, detailed the progress of the club during the year. He observed that it was again the largest

club in the Centre. It was, he said, the only club in the Free State to conduct a monthly magazine, promote an International road race, and send teams to the 1931 Tourist Trophy and Ulster Grand Prix races.

The hon. treasurer, Mr. A. Robinson, submitted his report, in which he gave details of the club’s finances. He said the turnover for the year was £5,000, and although the balance sheet showed a slight loss for the year there was no cause for alarm, as the club had spent considerable sums on prizes and fixtures and fittings. The depreciation on club property was higher than in previous years. His report was unanimously adopted.

The president thanked the committee for their splendid work during the season.