A Proposed Correspondence Club.



A Proposed Correspondence Club.

SIR,—As a result of a passage in a letter of mine which appeared in the September issue of MOTOR SPORT, I have received a large number of letters from readers in all parts of the British Isles. This has prompted me to form a correspondence club, to be called, with your sanction, the M.S.C.C. (Motor Sport Correspondence Club), as it was directly through your journal that it was formed. As I have been in regular correspondence with some half dozen enthusiasts for the last few months, we have a ready made foundation to build upon. All present members have one hobby in common, the collecting of racing photos, and in some cases own motor-cycles and decreptic sports cars. The only conditions of entry are, regular reading of MOTOR SPORT, and sufficient enthusiasm to answer all letters. Any additional members are welcome, especially MOTOR Srowr readers from overseas. Anyone wishing to join should write to the address below, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope, when they will receive a club number and particulars of other members. I am, yours etc.,

LEWIS E. MILES. 4 High Street, Fordington,
