We note in the December issue of MOTOR SPORT on page 490 a reference to the Austin Trial cars and a suggestion that the racing type side-valve engines are being used for this purpose.
This is entirely wrong and we would like you to contradict the statement as the ears in question are the Sports Type engine fitted with a Centric supercharger and bearing very little resemblance to the special side-valve racing-cars. One or two of them have now been equipped with the three-bearing crankshaft engines similar to that which ran in the ” T.T. ” but the majority are of the two-bearing type which we ran so successfully last season.
We quite agree that the performance is exceedingly good and that they have been very successful in trials so far this season but the mention in your paper gives rather an erroneous impression. I am, Yours etc.,
W. S. Sliwat. Birmingham.