Miscellany, April 2004
When I saw a smart and original mid-vintage Standard tourer at a recent rally, it made me wonder why Standards, then and with earlier bodies, used radiators with the cooling…
Sir. Having taken your book for a year. I thought I might write to tell you how much I enjoy my monthly tanner’s-worth. I quite agree with your article on mudslinging, but it must be immense fun. As I am only fifteen I can’t give my opinion on how it affects stability and steering, but it may interest you to know that the enthusiasts around here, impatient to ” dice,” got up some bike trials. The creations that turned up were wonderful ;
my own was so unsteady on the road that I preferred to walk to the venue. But I cannot see how such things improve cars,. and surely that is the main object.
As for motor-racing I fear it can never be popular over here. I have seen three races, and the immediate question that I am asked on returning is : “Were there any good crashes ? ” If that’s what the public want they had better go to the dirt-track.
But I find myself this racing business.
all very exciting. The Coronation Trophy was the first race I saw, and I was amazed at the friendly attitude of those among the crowd who knew what was what.
I also had the good fortune to see the International Trophy, and I must say that the opening rounds and the great duel between Mays and ” Bira ” staggered me and the friend who was with me, and. we were not bored at the end of thirty laps. The Imperial Trophy was a great race, but the method of parking the dicers at the start of the final seemed all wrong to me. Was it fair that Maclure’s magnificent effort in the first heat was. rewarded by a back-rank position in.
the final ? Brooke’s luck was of the hardest ; his car seemed to me to be a beautiful job (am I right in saying that the gearbox is under the seat ?), and his. potent pressure pumping certainly deserved its reward.
I much enjoy your articles on veteran cars and found a Ballot which looks very much like the one described a short time ago. As far as I can remember the frame is upswept at the back and the rear axle is underslung ; the front springs pass through eyes on the front axle and. the brakes are operated by cables and levers. The engine and gearbox are suspended in a subframe which ends at a tubular cross member in the cockpit. The engine, of which only the crankcase remains, appears to have been a fairly hot job, and the tail of the car is similar to that on the 3-litre, only it contains a seat.
Thank goodness for your road-tests. From reading weeklies I have almost obtained the impression that there is. not any difference in handling between a Pontiac floating drawing-room and an. H.R.G. Excuse this long and disjointed epistle, but there is nobody to let off steam to around this place. I am, Yours etc., E. W. YOULDON. Brentwood,
Essex. [Mr. Youldon’s enthusiasm is a tonic and although we can beat him in point of years, our own has not diminished. The Ballot is a mystery, unless a sports straight eight job. We certainly try to quote impressions when we test a car, as distinct from compiling a list of imposing, figures.—Ed.]