THE day when Great Britain will win the Monte Carlo Rally again seems to draw no nearer. It is eight years since Donald. Healey notched his victory for Britain with a 44-litre Invieta, since when we have never really been in the running for a place in the first three. This year many of us thought that we stood quite a good chance, but for one reason or another it was not to be, and. in the end the best British car, J. Harrop’s S.S. Jaguar, finished in tenth position, behind a Delahaye, two Hotchkiss and

half-a-dozen Fords. The best British driver was veteran J. W. Whalley, whose new Ford did not rank as a British car. The 44-litre Lagonda, entered by Alan Good, of which much had been expected, finished fortieth.

British cars to do well were the three Humber Super Snipes, which were placed 12th, 14th, and 16th; Tommy Wisdom’s 8 h.p. Ford, which came through well from Athens and averaged the necessary speed over the Col des Leques ; Mrs. Vaughan’s Standard “Ten,” and W. A. Mackenzie’s Morris ” Eight.”

After the very cold spell round about Christmas time, the weather turned milder ; rain and mud replacing the snow and ice which had previously covered most of the roads of Europe. The Athens route was particularly muddy, for a landslide blocked the Dragoman Pass and a long detour had to be made over a little-used track which was sometimes almost as steep as Beggar’s Roost. However, in the opinion of a competitor who has chosen this route for several years, the journey from Athens was much easier this year than usual, although not quite so easy as it was in 1935, Altogether twenty-seven cars got through from Greece out of thirtyfive starters, among the non-finishers

being a previous Rally winner, Dr. Sprenger van Eijk (Lancia). Harrop’s S.S. became ditched on two occasions, but did not suffer serious damage. Wisdom and De Belleroche on the Ford ” Eight” found that they had little time to spare at the controls, due to a slightly slipping clutch. These two had an exciting moment when a car in front spun round,

and in trying to avoid it the Ford. ran down a bank and headed for the Danube. Belleroche was driving, and he got back onto the road safely. Harrop was immediately behind, following the Ford’s tail-light in the welter of mud and rain, and he carefully followed the Ford on its devious course ! Seven people lost marks on the way from Athens, among them Wisdom and Whalley. F. S. Barnes

(Vauxhall Twelve) had a good journey with no trouble ait all. The Tallinn route was also very muddy, due to the sudden thaw, and the ears wallowed down into Poland. Good’s Lagonda was delayed for some time with a faulty condenser. This was repaired and the car proceeded, only to develop ignition trouble once more. The con denser having been recently changed, this was not suspected, and a systematic search was made. But it was the con denser after all, and much time had been lost before the big car got going again. On the Palermo route there was one casualty (a Minerva) and a Delahaye

was penalised fOr loss of time. Three people fell out on the way from Stavanger, two of them being British crews : Collins (Railton) and Mrs. Wisdom (Vauxhall), who was accompanied by Joan Richmond. The Vauxhall developed water-pump trouble the wrong side of Dijon, when the worst of the journey was already over. There were no incidents reported on the Bucharest route, which was followed by four cars, while only Mme. Scott retired on the way from Amsterdam. As for the John o’Groats contingent, icy roads were met with on the way down to Aberdeen. There were one or two hectic skids, notably by MM. Vaughan and Mackenzie, but there were no serious casualties from this cause. The Ford driven by Miss Amy Johnson and Mrs. McEvoy skidded and bent itself a bit, but was able to continue. H. G. Bishop’s Lea-Francis began to develop electrical trouble, which was to persist until the driver retired in France, and Couper’s Hillman Minx devoured batteries until a new dynamo was obtained. R. H. Turner, on another Hillman, crashed on the way to the start, and completed the whole route with a bent front axle. The crew of the Wolseley which had been specially prepared with an eye to winning the Comfort Competition suffered

casualties at the start. Fursdon, the entrant, actually had a bout of ‘flu, and Kindel’ got his hand caught in the door and had to have the tip of his finger amputated. The run to Folkestone from Glasgow was uneventful, and the first part of the route through France Was quite easy, too. Howey, faced with the prospect of having to drive all the way single-handed, fell out at Boulogne and decided to carry on to Monte direct. At last the others approached the dreaded district near Rodez, where accurate route-finding is vitally important. The usual T-roads without signposts were encountered, and the usual wild goose chases ‘followed, and all the while the road wound and wound round hairpin bend after hairpin bend to Rodez, and on to Lyons. Hereabouts Mackenzie’s Morris tried conclusions with a heavy lorry, without suffering too badly in the process and being able to continue. Mrs. Vaughan was another sufferer from electrical trouble ; Innes’s second-hand Ford (which he had bought at the last minute for ./.50 to replace his ineligible B.M.’W.) broke a spring, and the Lea Francis went (rut with a broken valvespring, more electrical trouble, and a faulty petrol feed. Gunter (Wolseley)

decided to call it a day at Rodez, although his car was still fit. Altogether, it was a pretty weary and travel-stained collection of cars and

crews that converged on Lyons, and so to Grenoble for the Winter Route des Alpes to Nice and Monte Carlo. Actually the Winter Route was easier than it had been in January for twenty years past, the absence of ice Making the drivers’ task a much less arduous one than it was intended to be. In spite of this, the 31 m.p.h. average over the seven-mile Col de Leques was really difficult, especially for the smaller cars. Indeed, everyone drove flat out on the gears all the way, with much hooting and general anxiety. Driving mistakes were few and far between ; Mine. Zagorna (Chevrolet) being the only person to go off the road. On this section fastest time was made—dare we say rather surprisingly ? —by a woman, the charming Mme, Simon, who drove a 3-litre Hotchkiss. What was more, another woman, Mme. Rouault (Matford), tied for second place with Bakker-Schut, last year’s winner with a Ford. Mine. Simon’s time was 12 mins, 46 secs. The best

British car was Harrop’s S.S., which clocked 12 mins. 59 secs.

Miles and miles of twisty road followed, until at last the road swung down to Nice, after which the competitors were urged along at full bat by the local people, which proved the undoing of Mackenzie, who, thinking he was late, hurried so much that he arrived at the Monte control too. early ! After checking in at the control, the drivers proceeded to the quayside for the second test, an affair of acceleration, braking, reversing, and acceleration again to a flying finish, The braking part was made more difficult by the presence of a row of skittles on each side which were knocked down if the brakes worked unevenly and the car slewed sideways. Although a good car in good condition was a great help, much depended upon the skill of the driver in this test. Fastest time of all was Made by last year’s winner, Bakker-Schut, who did the whole thing in his Ford in 25.5 secs. Trevoux (Hotchkiss) and Paul (Delahaye), . the ultimate winners, tied for second place in 25.8 secs. Then came two more Fords, followed by Lord Waleran (Humber), who put up a really splendid performance to record 26.6 secs. Whalley was the next best Englishman in 27.2 secs. Of the smaller cars, the redoubt

able Gordini made quite sure of winning by clocking 29.3 secs. on his 1,100 c.c. Sim ca-Fiat. After a day’s rest (Sunday), the final test took place on Monday at a secret hill which turned out to be at Eze. It was only a kilometre in length, but it was narrow and twisting, with one real hairpin bend. The result was some hectic driving, but no accidents. The hill demanded a four-speed gearbox if a really fast time was to be made, with the result that the Fords were rather badly handicapped and Bakker-Schut’s chance of repeating his victory evaporated. Both Trevoux and Paul looked very fast, and it turned out that they had made exactly the same time, so giving the Rally to France in the first tie in its history. Their time was 1 min, 12.3 secs., and their nearest rival was Mutsaert’s Ford, which did 1 min. 15.2 secs. Mine. Simon did

1 min. 10.1 secs. to win the Coupe des Dames, while Harrop was the best of the British cars in 1 min. 18 secs. Lord Waleran did 1 min. 20.4 secs. on the Humber, and Charles Brackenbury, driving Good’s Lagonda, recorded 1 min. 22 secs.

And so the Rally ended in a joint victory for Delahaye and Hotchkiss, with the Ford driven by Mutsaerts and Kouwenberg third, exactly 10 points behind. Then came four more Fords, Mme, Simon’s Hotchkiss (a good show, this), Whalley’s Ford and Harrop’s S.S. tenth. Mine. Simon deservedly won the Coupe des Dames ; the 1,500 c.c. class went to Gordini’s 1,100 c.c. Fiat ; and the 750 c.c. class to Cornelius’s D.1C.W.

British cars did well in the additional competitions. The Grand Prix d’Honneur went for the third time to Wolseley, this time the 25 h.p. limousine entered by Fursdon. Davis’s Daimler was a good second, and had its revenge in the engineappearance competition, which it won. Good’s Lagonda won the over-1,500 c.c. convertible class ; Mike Couper’s Hillman Minx the 1,500 c.c. closed class; the rest being taken by a Jawa and a Simca. The full list of awards is as follows :

PROVISIONAL RESULTS General 0:unifications

Note.-The number ” 2 ” given after the make of car denotes 1,500 c.c. class, and “3,” 750 e.e. class.

1. Tie between J. Paul and 3f. Contet (Delaliaye), Athens, and J. Trevoux and M. Lesurque (Hotchkiss), Athens : 843.2 marks.

3. E. Mutsaerts and A. Kouwenberg (Ford), Palermo : 833.2.

4. V. Joullie Duelos and P. Levegh (Matford), Tallinn: 832.6.

5. G. Bakker Sehut and P. J. Nortier (Ford), Tallinn: 831.4.

6. B. H. T. van de Hoek and K. Ton (Ford), Stavanger: 830.6.

7. M. Gatsonides and K. S. Barendregt (Ford), Athens : 830.2.

S. Mmes. Y. Simon and S. Largeot (Hotchkiss), Athens : 827.4.

9. J. W. Whalley (Ford), Athens : 826.8.

10. Tie between J. Harrop (88), Athens, and Ch. Lahaye and R. Quatresous (Renault), Athens.: 825.6.

12. Rt. Hon. Lord Waleran (Humber), Tallinn: 823.2.

13. A. Gordini and Searron (Simca Fiat, 2), Athens : 819.

14. N. Garrad (Humber), Athens : 814.4.

i 5, A Scott (Ford), Athens : 812.4.

16. D. E. Graham (Humber), John o’Groats: 809.8.

17. B. Hellen and S. Pronaszko (Ford), Tallinn: 809.4.

18. Mlle. M. L. Lamberjaek and Mme. Siko (Matford), Tallinn : 807.4.

19. G. Macher and S. Bruckhoff (Ford), Tallinn : 807.15.

20. Sir Windham E. F. Carmichael-Anstruther ($S Jaguar), John o’Groats : 806.4. Other British Placings :

22. S. C. H. Davis (Daimler), John o’Groats : 803.8.

25. Tie between Mrs. A. C. Lace (Talbot-Darracq), Riga, and Mile. A. van Vredenbureh (Ford), Tallinn: 795.6.

35. A. W. Fletcher (Railton), John o’Groats : 784.15.

38. F. S. Barnes (Vauxhall, 2), Athens : 779.25. 40. A. P. Good (Lagonda), Tallinn: 777.9.

42. J. M. Miller (Lagonda), John o’Groats : 776.5. 45. P. R. B. Haggle (88 Jaguar), John o’Groats : 772.8.

47. G. W. Wilkin (Triumph), John o’Groats : 769.

48. Mrs. M. Vaughan (Standard, 2), John o’Groato : 768.9.

50. T. Wisdom (Ford, 2), Athens, 768.2.

52. W. L. Innes (Ford), john o’Groats : 767.5.

63. R. J. Morton and 0. B. N. Watson (Vauxhall, 2), Stavanger : 765.1.

60. W. A. Mackenzie and N. Mavrogordato (Morris, 2), John o’Groats : 756.95.

61. 3. McEvoy and F. M. Montgomery (Ford, 2), Stavanger : 753.85.

62. Miss V. M. Wilby (Lea-Francis), John o’Groats : 753.6.

64. T. Abel Smith and E. Smith (Sunbeam-Talbot), John o’Groats : 748.

65. B. W. Fursdon (Wolseley), John o’Groats : 747.3.

67. R. II. Turner (Hillman, 2), John o’Groats : 746.75.

68. J. C. l’owan-Hamilton (Talbot), John o’Groats : 745.9.

71. Maj. D. E. M. Douglas Morris (SS Jaguar), Amsterdam : 740.40.

73. W. M. Cooper (human, 2), John o’Groats : 738.05.

76. Miss Amy Johnson and Mrs. I). McEvoy (Ford), John o’Groats : 732.65.

78. J. F. Wells (Fiat, 2), John o’Groats : 722.5.

95. J. H. T. Edwards-Moss and Miss R. EdwardsMoss (SS Jaguar), John o’Groats : 673.3.

96. H. M. Balfour (Alvis), John o’Groats : 625.9. 98. G. A. Apear ($S Jaguar), John o’Groats : 618.35. 750 0.0. Class :

1. E. A. C. Cornellua and A. Buyze (D.K.W.).

2. Mrs. Greta Molander (D.K.W.).

3. P. Muller (D.K.W.). 1,500 c.c. Class :

1. A. Gordini and Scarron (Simca Fiat).

2. F. Delmareo (Lancia).

3. K. Bjorkman and Hermansen (Lancia). British Efiacinss :

7. F. S. Barnes (Vauxhall).

10. Mrs. M. Vaughan (Standard).

12. T. H. Wisdom (Ford).

14. R. J. Morton and G. E. N. Watson (Vauxhall).

16. W. A. Mackenzie and N. Mavrogordida (Morris).

17. J. McEvoy and F. M. Montgomery (Ford).

18. R. H. Turner (Hillman).

20. W. M. Couper (Hillman).

21. 3. F. Wells (Fiat). Ladies’ Cup :

1. Mines. Y. Simon and S. Largeot (Hotchkiss).

2. Mlle. M. L. Lamberjack and Mine. Siko (Matford). 3. Mlle. A. van Vredenburch (Ford.) British Plaeings ;

5. Mrs. M. Vaughan (Standard).

6. Miss V. M. Wilby (Lea-Francis).

8. Miss J. C. Rowan-Hamilton (Talbot). 10. Miss Amy Johnson and Mrs. D. McEvoy (Ford) Coachwork Competition : Over 1,500 c.c. Closed (Grand Prix d’Honneur) :

1, B. W. Fursdon (Wolseley): 2, S. C. II. Davis (Daimler) ; 3, Jhr. Ir. 14.3. Boddaert and Ir. 0. A. M. Baur (Cadillac) ; 4, A. W. Fletcher (Walton); 5, T. Abel Smith and E. Smith (Sunbeam-Talbot); 6, J. H. T. Edwards-Moss and Miss R.. EdwardsMoss (SS Jaguar).

Over 1,500 c.c. Convertible_ 1, A. P. Good (Lagonda); 2, J. Trevoux and M. lasnirque (Retch. kiss); 3, J. M. Miller (Lagonda).

Special Prize : 1, J. Moreau and H. Velard (Panhard thizogene) ; 2, Mine. Bier (Hanomag Diesel). 1.500 0.0. Closed : 1. W. M. Cooper (Human): Mrs. 31. Vaughan (Standard) •, 3, Mme. A. de Bourbon and P. Chaussoniere (Simea Fiat) ; 4 W. A. Mackenzie and N Malfmgordato (Morris); 5, J. F. Wells (Fiat).

1,600 c.c. Convertible : 1, V. Formanek and S. Zahradka (Aero); 0, Mines. M. Muller-Leuncens and 3. Mingels-Muller (-Hansa). 750 c.c. Closed : 1, A. Neitvar and J. Musil (Jaws) ;

2, Dr. L. Billon and Y. le Strat (Simea Fiat). 750 c.c. Convertible: 1, J. Lapchin and Boudot (Simea Fiat). Engine Appearance Competition

1. S. C. H. Davis (Daimler); 2, B. W. Fursdon (Wolseley) ; 3, A. W. Fletcher (Railton) ; 4, A. P. Good (Lagonda). Special Awards

International Sporting Cup Club 3 Trevoux and M. Lesurque (Hotchkiss) and J. Paul and M. Contet (Delahaye) tied.

Riviera Cup (1,500 c.c.): A. Gordini and M. Searron (Sime.a Fiat). Country Club Cup (750 c.c. car): E. A. C. CormHUB and A. Buyse

Ladies’ Cup : Mines. Y. Simon and S. Largeot (Hotchkiss).

A.C. De Monaco Cup (best performance in acceleration and braking test): G. Bakker-Schut and P. J. Mortier (Ford).

Barclays Bank Cup (beat all-British performance): J. Harrop (SS Jaguar).

Royal Scottish A.C. Cup (most marks from John o’Groats): I) E. Graham (Humber).

“Le Journal” Cup (most marks on longest Itinerary) : E. Mitt saert s (Ford).

” Official de la Couture” Trophy (for all-women crews): Mines. Simon and Largeot (Hotchkiss). Hotchkiss Challenge Trophy (for manufacturers): Delaha ye and Hotchkiss tied.

” L’Anto ” Cup (best aggregate by three cars of the same make): Ford.