The Humber Register
The Humber Register is holding its rally with test and scavenge hunt, Aylesbury on January 13th. Details from JJ Woodcock, 3, Byron Villas, London, NW3. Sunbeam Register members driving any make of pre-I 931 car are invited.
The recently-formed Vintage Aeroplane Club hopes to hold a flying week-end at Denham on January 19th/20th. It. will open at 10.45 am, with a time of arrival contest, followed by spot landing, acrobatics, concours, flour-bombing, slowflying, etc. In the evening there is to be a talk. Sunday will be for general flying, or Saturday’s programme if postponed. VSCC members welcome. A small public enclosure will be open. Details from D Ogilvy, 9, Imperial Road, Windsor, Berks.