An Ambitious Road Test of the Morris Mini Minor

Motor Sport has already published its impressions of driving the Morris Mini-Minor but so much interest has been aroused in this truly ingenious British newcomer, with its front-wheel-drive, transverse engine/transmission unit, diminutive Dunlop “Gold Seal” tyres, and variable-rate all-round-independent rubber suspension, that we are engaged in carrying out a long-duration test of a Mini-Minor which for the next twelve months the Editor proposes to use as his main means of hack transport. By using the little car for normal everyday motoring we shall be in a position to report on this Issigonis-designed small car from the viewpoint of the ordinary user; from time to time we intend to publish interim reports which will be of interest to the many prospective purchasers who have placed their orders for these B.M.C. babies.

A de luxe Mini-Minor with such worth-while B.M.C. equipment as a roof-rack, fire-extinguisher, screen-washers, clock, water-thermometer, Smiths heater, dual vizors and Notek “Blue Spot” fog and spotlamps, etc., has been delivered to the Editor and is now in everyday use. Already he is delighted to find that a modification to the cooling fan has reduced the noise level, and consequently he will not have to “mow the grass” as was the case with an early test car. Indeed, the excellent tone of the Smiths radio can be enjoyed even when cruising at an indicated 70 m.p.h., and already the little car’s light steering, eager performance, comfort and remarkable sure-footedness are endearing it to its temporary owner.—W. B.