9 years' work in 5 months!

Motorists who visit the South Bank Exhibition during the Festival of Britain will be interested to see the familiar garage lift performing an unfamiliar duty. Four lifts are being used, in the “Natural Scene” Pavilion, as display stands for British-made farm tractors complete with ploughs. The lifts will, rise and descend five feet once every minute for thirteen hours a day, seven days a week, during the five months of the Festival. It is estimated that each lift will make 116,760 ascents and descents and will travel 11.0 miles—vertically —in the process. This is equivalent to nine years’ nornal garage service! The lifts to perform this arduous task are being supplied by C. C. Wakefield & Company Limited (makers of Castrol motor oil) in conjunction with Skyhl Limited.

Mr. C. G. Meisl has joined Connaught Emulaeoriag as Business Manager, primarily concerned with the production and marketing, at home and abroad, of the Corinaught sports car.