A Way Out


We enjoyed your article “The Claims of Rolls-Royce”. We also enjoy the mentions they give us in their copy — I think we are virtually the only supplier who gets mentioned by name. Your fears about the possible effect on conservationists, of Rolls-Royce’s claim of using 12 hides per car and 56 yards of piping are I think unfounded. Leather is a by-product of the meat industry, and indeed it can be argued that the tanners and leather dressers do conservation a favour by turning the rawhides into sweet smelling leather, and preventing us all from being submerged under a huge mountain of rotting and foul smelling matter. Our advertising agents caused our eyes to roll in our heads the other day by describing us as “Econologically Self-renewing”!

This seems a good opportunity to thank Motor Sport for the frequent mentions that you give as — they all help business along and are very much appreciated.

Anthony L Hussey, Director, Connolly Bros (Curriers) Ltd.London, SW19