Congratulations to Dr Geraint Owen who has won the Motor Sport Brooldands Memorial Trophy, with his 1928/30 aero-engined DH-Riley.
Motor 100
Although a few sunny days have passed since “Motor 100” we are still savouring the sheer pleasure this event gave us. Not even the rain could dilute the pleasant nostalgic atmosphere which pervaded throughout the three days.
The organising committee are to be congratulated on, firstly, considering such an event, and secondly, not only in gathering together such a diverse array of machinery but in managing to stage the colossal task of ensuring spectators could see them in action during the frequent parades. The sheer administrative organisation needed must also have been the “behind the scenes” event of the century.
Congratulations to everyone involved, including Shell Oils and the Daily Express in giving so much pleasure to the motoring fraternity.
As we can’t wait for the hi-centenary extravaganza, will some courageous organisaton repeat the event in 1995? Tring, Herts ALAN G. RANCE RICHARD HULL