Perfect bind




To follow up on the Melhalla circuit and whatever happened to it, contact your friends at Automobile Quarterly. In the late 1970s or early `80s, they did a superb feature on the circuit I came across the feature in one of the bound books they put together… it’s somewhere in my cellar at the moment or I would be able to tell you exactly when the feature appeared.

Your magazine is superb, the best publication out there, I believe, especially the photos. If I have any complaints, it would be that, with the changeover from staples (and I realize why you did it) to its present binding, when I go through it to carefully tear away, say, a double-page photo layout, it’s not a “clean” tear and I have to trim (and, therefore, lose part of) the photo. My other objection would be that much of the material in the features is already well-known. I find myself reading a feature and saying to myself, “I already know that — how about something I don’t know?” With thousands of books out on motor racing, it is difficult, but not unattainable, to give us readers info we don’t know. Aside from those two objections, I can’t think of anything I’d like to see changed.

I would like to draw to your attention that MOTOR SPORT is not distributed here in Berlin. Several English-language car magazines, like Road &Track, Car and Driver and some others are, but not your magazine. Keep up the great work and, maybe, give a thought to what I’ve mentioned.


Geoffrey Nelson, via E-mail