The AUSTIN ‘seven’ gives most for your money...

The AUSTIN `SEV N’ gives most for your money

THE outstanding dependability of the Austin Seven and its remarkable value for money were again vividly demonstrated at Brooklands on May 10th. In the first classic race of the season — the ” DoubleTwelve “—the Austin Seven won the ” Autocar ” Trophy for the best performance on price and also gained first and second place in its class. The average speed was 64.9 m.p.h. This victory was scored by cars modelled on the standard design of 7 h.p. chassis.

Remember. The race was exacting — gruelling. Engine, frame, gearbox, transmission—all received far greater punishment than a car could ever receive driven in the hands of an average owner. Under such strain any weakness would inevitably show up. But the Austin Seven came through triumphantly,

gloriously. Such rigorous tests bring to the lay mind the fundamental correctness of design, the basic soundness of workmanship, the outstanding dependability of all Austin cars. Your nearest Austin dealer will gladly demonstrate any Austin model. May we send you literature ?

The Austin Seven Sports Model which won the ” Autocar ” Trophy. Similar Sports Cars can be supplied to the public. Price at works : with supercharger, £225; without supercharger, Er85.

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