Motorists arise

Thousands of readers have made it very clear that they want an active organisation to fight the creeping restrictions on the freedom of the motorist to use the roads they pay for, and to demand that they be respected as citizens and not pre-supposed to be criminals. With this end in view a meeting was held at the Russell Hotel, London, on Monday, May 13th, at 6.30 p.m. Those present by invitation were: The Rt. Hon. Lord Strathcarron, Messrs. W. J. Tee, W. C. Boddy, J. Ackerman, S. D. Attewell, A. C. Baker, J. R. Bannon, M. Bill, P. E. B. de Buriatte, L. Collier, R. T. Girling, A. E. Hiscutt, N. S. Jones, M. Morrison, D. S. Norfolk, M. J. Rathbone, P. A. Roltan, C. Skeats, M. J. Tee and P. J. van Raat.

The proprietor of Motor Spoor, who had made this meeting possible, was unanimously elected to the chair. He welcomed those present and explained that careful investigation had satisfied him that there was ample scope for an organisation that would do adequately the things demanded by motorists of this country. He regretted the delay in the starting of the new organisation, but refused to invite Motor Sport readers, and later all motorists, to subscribe to an organisation that was not founded on a solid foundation with absolute sincerity of motive; for that reason he had instructed his legal advisor and accountant to consider the matter.

After a long discussion and explanations from the legal advisor, it was unanimously agreed that the best procedure would be to form a company limited by guarantee with the avowed intention of taking every possible step to try to obtain relief from the increasing restrictions placed on the freedom of the motorist, and to provide in selected cases legal representation. It was further resolved to expedite the foundation of this company by appointing a working committee comprising of The Rt. Hon. Lord Strathcarron, Messrs. B. D. Attewell, A. C. Baker, J. R. Bannon, M. Bill and P. A. Rohan.

Appropriate Articles of Memorandum and Association are now in active preparation, but as there was a doubt that incorporation could be achieved by June 1st it was decided to postpone invitation for membership. It is hoped that July 1st will be the date and applications for membership can then be made on the approved application form, the annual subscription to be one guinea.

In any case, you now know that an organisation is being formed to protect and fight for your interests. Its whole success depends on the sheer weight of numbers. Join yourself, and enrol your motoring friends. Every copy of the July issue of Motor Sport will contain news of the latest position and we hope a combined constitution and application form. Readers wishing to enrol their friends should watch for an announcement in Motoring News when to send for application forms, if they are ready as we hope they will be during June.