Round the Clubs, March 1928



Round the Clubs

We have pleasure in announcing that the following gentlemen have consented to act as

Honorary District Agents :—SOUTHAMPTON : Mr. E. FERNIHO UGH, Kirwan Gate, Stourwood Avenue, Bournemouth. LIVERPOOL : Mr. A. HUNT, 66, Alexandra Road, Gt. Crosby.

North London Motor Club.

At the eighth annual general meeting held at the Alexandra Palace on January 30th, it was agreed, that although 1927 had been a bad year for most motoring organisations, the club had successfully weathered a difficult period. Followingsome interesting suggestions for the coming season, the following officers and committee-men were elected :—

President, Prof. A. M. Low ; Vice-Presidents, A. J. M. Ivison, Bernard Staley, W. H. Wells ; Captain, M. C. Perret ; Vice-Captain, E. G. Farrow ; Secretary, Alan W. Day ; Treasurer, C. H. Lewis ; Press Secretary; G. S. Wright ; Asst. Secretary, Miss H. C. Freeman ; Committee-Men, H. H. Harve-yson, R. R. T. Borer, L. V. Freeman, J. D. Mallet, C. J. D. Pisk.

Plans for the forthcoming season are now being carefully considered, and details will appear in these columns. In the meantime, further information will be gladly given by any of the officers.

The fixture list is now being prepared and will shortly be distributed amongst members, but in the meantime March 24th should be reserved, as the date of the opening social event.

This will probably take the form of a country ramble, followed by tea and a dance. Further details will appear in these columns and any other information will be gladly given by the Hon. Secretary, Alan W. Day, ” Claremont,” Ballards Lane, rinehley, N.3.

Brighton and Hove Motor Club.

The following are the club officials for 1928 :—

President, Viscount Curzon (re-elected) ; Vice-Presicleut, Councillor C. Kingston (Mayor of Brighton) (re-elected) ; Captain, P. C. Tulley ; Vice-Captain, P. F. Croysdill ; Hon. Secretary, C. L. Clayton (reelected), ro, Prince Albert Street, Brighton, Sussex ; Hon. Treasurer, K. E. Black (re-elected) ; Hon. Timekeeper, N. Johnson (re-elected) ; Hon. Solicitor, F. H. Nye (re-elected). .

Oxford University Motor Club.

On Saturday, IFth Februiry, the Club had the pleasure

of a lecture by Mr. G. E. T. Eyston on ‘”fouring Cars for Racing,” which was a specially interesting subject in view of the inter-‘varsity hill-climb. Ms. Eyston started with the chassis, which, he said, was especially important from the touring point of view. Most chassis were not strong enough for serious racing and needed strengthening with plates. All unnecessary resistance should be eliminated from the transmission, for which reason very light oil should be used in the gearbox and back axle. The shock-absorbers were another important point and tests should be made with them adjusted tighter and tighter until the right setting was reached. Wheels also should be balanced both statically and dynamically to prevent any tendency to wobble. Incidentally, great improvements could be made if all other rotating parts of a car could also be balanced, but this is difficult in general. The steering is another important feature, and if there is any sign of play before a rhee, a new gear should be fitted. As far as the engine is concerned, experiments should be made with various carburettor jets, starting with small ones and then increasing the size until the best results are obtained. Parts should be carefully polished, but care must be taken not to allow distortion owing to excessive thinness. Altogether this was a most interesting evening.

Newcastle Motor Club.

At the annual meeting of the club, the following were duly appointed as officers of the club for the ensuing year :—

President, Councillor R. J. Richardson ; VicePresidents, T. G. Atkinson, J. T. Morrison, Councillor W. V. Longfield (Past President), J. R. Atkinson, J. H. Banks, D. Chambers, A. Clark, W. Hollingsworth, Councillor J. Leadbitter, F. T. Maling, W. F. McCullagh, S. Smith, W. D. Stephenson ; Chairman, Allan Wright ; Hon. Secretary, Ernest Willan ; Hon. Treasurer, G. C. Urwin ; Sports Secretary, J. H. Barras ; Committee, A. T. Brunswick, R. Cook, Junr, C. Hutt, G. W. Green, W. F. McCullagh, J. K. Morrison, A. Pawson, J. N. Pendrich ; Sports Committee, 0. W. Green, L. G. Marrison, J. K. Morrison, J. N. Pendrich, A. Wright ; Auditor, J. Palmer.