Reports of Recent Events, November 1948
Reports of Recent Events NEW ZEALAND S.C.C. PLIMMERTON HILL-CLIMB " Hollis' new l'C " M.G. made f.t.d. in 51.8 sec., a new record for the hill. The class results were…
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cirHIS Dept. deals with the overhaul of complete engine units as distinct from the repair of individual engine components. Thoroughness is the keynote of everything that is done in this Dept. and the routine through which every engine has to pass during its overhaul has been so devised that nothing is left to chance.
The work is carried out by men of long experience, each a specialist at his own craft, and the resources of the Company’s various other Depts.—comprising the finest plant in the Country devoted to Automobile Repairs—are available as required, i.e., Cylinder Grinding, Crankshaft Grinding, Welding, etc., etc.
An important point to note is that every engine, before being re-mounted in the chassis, has to undergo a prolonged test on the brake, which not only enables final adjustments and tuning to be carded out under running conditions, but also achieves the running-in process so that the engine is quite free on completion.
The actual B.H.P. developed at vadous speeds is recorded and no engine is passed off the test bench until its performance is satisfactory in all respects.
The foregoing are a few of the reasons why the car owner, having entrusted this important work to Laystall, can look forward with absolute confidence to results.
7 urther Parlic Wars, blether leer with apprownrale prices,will be found in the LAYSTALL ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET, which wiff be sent free on request. ■■••••■•■•11.401 Awsose.010 CiArip jEP;o611rEgne /14a0,6/17:0 7795)esji LIVERPOOL
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