Vintage Postbag

A 1917 Turner

As I do not remember a similar car being mentioned previously, I enclose a photograph of a Turner 2/3-seater car (R.A.C. rating 8.9 h.p.) which I purchased secondhand in 1917.

It was fitted with electric sidelamps but with the car was a pair of the original oil sidelamps which I carried as spares. These were lantern shape with bull’s-eye glass. The original oil headlights had been removed. I think the maker of this car might be Turner Miesse, whom I believe made steam cars previously. This 4-cylinder Turner had a 3-speed and reverse gearbox and, if my memory is correct, an overhead worm-driven back axle. The car’s main fault was the radiator, which was inclined to boil on hills. I also send you an insurance proposal form of 1920 which mentions cover for “Chauffeur—add 17s. 6d. each”!

R. B. [Name and address supplied.—Ed.]