Unhappy Motoring

While the advertisements and the various motor correspondents are praising the Rover 2000’s exceptional qualities and performance I feel that I must add my own personal note.

I have had a Rover 2000 since October and have clocked 4,000 miles, but during this time the car has been back to Henleys, from where I purchased it new, three times for the following items : a new wiper motor; to have the electrical system correctly wired up; to have the locks repaired; to have the bonnet refitted (and it flaps and still does not close properly); to have the quarter light rubbers replaced; to have the trim on the dash unit replaced; to have the exhaust system refitted; to have the trip corrected; the doors refitted; the hand brake refitted; not to mention that in the design the choke handle usually takes off the skin on one’s finger each time you use it, and finally, the manifold gasket has gone. To say the least, these items in themselves are not disastrous, but all together they seem to reflect some major error in manufacture, contrary to what we are lead to believe. I myself use the car for my work which takes me to many European cities where my company photographs the various examples of British industry at international exhibitions and other functions. I dread to think what my reply will be when asked what I think of the British motor industry.

London, E.C.4. Michael Marchant.