A rather jolly lawsuit
With the current surge in aeroengined motor cars and the attention being paid to them — a book, an invitation to the VSCC Iubilee Shesley hillclimb, flat-out timing of them…
Trails now becomes
MOTOR SPIRITS now enter an entirely new phase. Old standards are gone as surely as yesterday has gone. A new range of petrols takes the place of Pratts at garages and filling stations throughout the land —petrols so notably advanced in quality that they are being sold in all countries under a new name—ESSO.
These new petrols, which are available in all four of our popular grades, have been developed by leading technologists in the world’s largest petroleum research laboratories. They have not only responded to the most exacting laboratory tests, but have given overwhelming proof of their superiority in practical tests over millions of miles of British roads, under British climatic conditions, in British cars, motor cycles, lorries and public service vehicles— even in cars anticipating the future trend of engine design !
Still further advanced in anti-knock and power producing properties. Faster than ever ! Remarkable hillclimbing and top-gear performance. Sold in other countries at a premium, but the same price as ordinary petrols in Great Britain.
A perfectly balanced petrol, crystai clear. Double-quick starting, unfaltering power, with a degree of acceleration that makes driving delightful.
Highest quality British benzol with Pure Esso, perfectly blended by the newest scientific methods.
A revelation in anti-knock ! A new thrill in acceleration Better climbing than ever! ANGLO-AMERICAN OIL COMPANY, LTD. (ESTABLISHED 0388), 36, QUEEN ANNE’S GATE, WESTMINSTER, S.W