Ten years of the TR Register
Talking of TRs, the TR Register informs as that it is ten years since its formation and membership now stands at a healthy 4,000. The Register’s original aim was to preserve the TR2/3/3A by means such as assistance with spares. The interests were broadened in 1977 to welcome the TR4/4A/5 and 6, but drawing the line at the TR7, spares for which were available through normal sources. But with the formation of the Register into a limited company earlier this year, TR7 owners as ordinary members can enjoy all other club facilities equally with voting members.
The Register’s involvement in most forms of motorsport had a highlight last year when a mixed team of TR2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 finished second in the Birkett 6-hour Relay Race after leading for three hours.
Membership details are available from the Membership Secretary on Berkhamsted (04427) 5906 during office hours.