Self-inflicted ruin


John Perrett’s allegation (Motor Sport, March 1987) that the people who buy foreign goods are the cause of Britain’s industrial decline is ludicrous! People do not buy foreign goods to spite Britain— they buy them because British goods don’t offer them what they want!

The decline of Britain’s industries is primarily due to the attitude of the intellectually able in discouraging their offspring from entering industry. As a result, it is starved of the leadership and intellect needed to make it a success. And our governments and institutions do not know how to make industry flourish.

So, all you above-average-ability Motor Sport readers, you are the ones who are passing the buck, not the buyers of foreign goods. If you are not encouraging your bright, successful children to enter industry, you are helping to ensure the continuation of our industrial decline.

So don’t just sit there reading Motor Sport— get off your butts and breed successful industrialists!

CR Smith, Pinner, Middlesex