Protect the marshals




May I express my deepest sympathy to the family and friends of the marshal who sadly died at Albert Park. This, after the recent tragedy at Monza, must require action to be taken.

I have had some experience of marshalling and would like to suggest that all marshal posts be surrounded and roofed with debris fence, as used to protect spectator areas. Access would have to be protected too and protection made large enough for all marshals on the post to carry out their duties in safety. These points could also be used as TV camera points. Surely there is adequate finance, knowledge and desire to ensure the safety of these volunteers who, as David Coulthard said, make all motorsport possible.

Finally, may I thank you for a splendid magazine, particularly the items on former circuits. The article on Crystal Palace was especially nostalgic as I started my marshalling there and many memories came back.


John S Winter, London