Stop Press
Members of the “12/50” Alvis Register enjoyed a gymkhana near Chichester on October 16th, the winner being Eminson’s 1923 “duck’s back” and the runner-up Graham. Details of the register from: M. Edwin Smart, Piggery Hall Farm, W. Wittering, Sussex. The Veteran C.C. will hold a cocktail party at the South Kensington Hotel at 6 pan. on November 12th, the evening before the Brighton Run, and a dinner after the run, at the Hotel Metropole, Brighton. Price of tickets 6s. and 15s. each respectively, from Miss Ruxton, 46, North Row, W.1. The October “V.C.C. Gazette” contained many reports of veteran events, a description of A. F. J. Gibbs’ 1904 Humber, an article on “Hunting the Veterans” by W. Boddy and important news items, etc. Birkett has disposed of his trials Austin to Claude Yates, because the latter’s rather stark Ford-Austin special is ruled out under the new R.A.C. regulations. Eric Thompson has been forced for business reasons to withdraw from racing for a year or two, but the “Clark circus” hope to find a new driver in the purchaser of one of their cars. The West Essex C.C. have a film show on November 3rd at the “Three Jolly Wheelers,” Woodford Bridge, at 7.30 p.m., and a talk by S.C.H. Davis at the same place and time on November 24th.