Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG
This is my new favourite big-banger saloon. I change my mind about these more often than Chelsea changes managers – one minute I have eyes only for the BMW M5,…
Books from Clymer
A couple of months ago Root es Ltd., arranges! for a party of motoring writers to see Kalanutv, the talented illusionist, perform al the Flip:lair), Park Empire. The -Itigh-light. of this show was 11w vumishing II-Mown Minx, which one moment was dearly visible on the stage :old the next lard disappeared, like I hose 11CW ears at the dealers where you placed !low orskr six years ago. Kalanag imuel his brilliant performance with it minor illusion : from a glass jug which could not have held more than a couple of pints he poured water from India ” frequent intervals., 501150 gallons in all, leaving the magie jug in full view on a glass-topped tattle between times. We were reminded of this ” water from India ” when a bulky package arrived bearing, ” books front Clymer.” for it is almost inconceivable that still more motoring works could have issued from the famous Los Angeles publisher. Yet issue they have ! There is the 1051 version of the ” Indianapolis History,” lavishly illustrated and covering this year’s 500 Mile Race from almost every angle. It is a most attractive purchase (1(12 pages, 1.5 dollars). There is ” Souping tlw Stork Engine ” (188 pages, 2.0 d(1llars) wIdelt naturally deals mainly with American engines, hot which Will tell English. ” hot ters-up •’ simelt of value. It carries power-curyes. details of proprietary speed equipment. including superrhargers, and dirt a litsles. T1 sere are reprints of historie Mereer. Marmon al., and Stutz Series E catalogues and f.w.d. Cord 810-812 and Duesenherg Nbalcl .1 instruetion outlands. •• The Model’s n Chassis ” (II 2 pages, 2.0 dollars). ‘which is by no means erant dote, is an easy and fascinating reforenee to present-duty design in this eategory, with IllaSSes Of 111110 rations Of frames, brakes. shoekabsorbers awl suspension units. Finally. for one posting at all events. Clymer presents (65 pages do/ eonnl ing original ads., 1.5 dollars) a reproduction of the booklet issued hy the E. It. Thomas Nlolor Co. after a Thsaims Flyer had won the 1908 New York to Paris Race, whielt
is a ” most ” for collectors. Clymer is prolific all right I this books are available I rom 1268 Sh. Alvarado, Los Angeles, or, fluhris essuntry, from Stonelnon’s.—W.11.