Guide To Earls Court

Hereunder follows an alphabetical guide to the car exhibits at the S.M.M.T. Exhibition which is open at Earls Court from October 22nd to November 1st, together with a pocket history of the leading makes.

A.C.                    Stand No. 136

Known before the Kaiser War as a single-cylinder passenger and commercial tricar and as a very lightweight small car, the A.C. made by Auto-Carriers, of Thames Ditton, then a country village, developed as a four- and six-cylinder light car featuring a back-axle gearbox,  ¼-elliptic suspension and, for the six, a wet-liner o.h.c. engine. S. F. Edge watched over A.C. at this period. Later the gearbox moved inboard, the suspension grew-up and gradually the modern A.C., built by the Hurlock brothers, developed. The A.C. was the first 1½-litre car to do 100 m.p.h. and 100 miles in the hour and has many rally successes to its credit.

A.C. cars are virtually unchanged this year, and remain smooth-running willing carriages rather in the vintage tradition. The engine is a 2-litre o.h.c. wet-liner six and normal beam-axle front suspension is used, the A.C. being one of the few remaining cars sans i.f.s. Road-test impressions of the smart Buckland tourer appeared in Motor Sport last September.

A.C. Cars Ltd., Thames Ditton, Surrey.

Alfa-Romeo                     Stand No. 122

This Italian concern has all its life been renowned for its outstanding sporting cars and its support of G.P. and sports-car racing. Coming into prominence just after the 1918 Armistice, racing successes set seal to the marque’s prestige, and G.P. racing was abandoned only last year, when the straight-eight 159 Alfa-Romeo was well-nigh invincible. The present “1900” model is in every way a worthy successor to the 21/70, 22/90, 1½, 1¾, 2.3 and 2.9-litre six and eight-cylinder Alfa-Romeos of the past.

The “1900” Alfa-Romeo cars exhibited by the famous concessionaires, Thomson & Taylor, late of Brooklands Track, are possessed of performance abilities fantastic in a comfortable saloon car, allied to superb roadholding by reason of helical spring i.f.s. and a normal rear axle sprung in the same manner. They are truly outstanding cars which no enthusiast able to procure one could resist.

Thomson & Taylor Ltd., Portsmouth Road, Cobham, Surrey.

Allard                    Stand No. 161

The original Allard appeared in 1935, evolved by enthusiastic Sydney Allard after he had grown out of fierce Morgan three-wheelers, four-wheeled versions thereof and a T.T. Ford V8. The prototype used a Ford V8 30 engine and Bugatti scuttle and tail. So successful was the Allard Special, particularly at Southport and in rough trials, that Sydney’s friends wanted replicas, so he decided to go into small-scale production with the blessing of the Ford Motor Co. Independent suspension was evolved simply, by cutting the axle beam in two, and later larger and larger engines and a de Dion rear end followed. With literally hundreds of competition successes to its credit, culminating in the great Monte Carlo Rally victory last year, Allard now adds a baby to his range of husky closed and open fast cars. This baby is termed the “Palm Beach” model, is sure to draw a big crowd, and was described in Motor Sport last month. Other exhibits are the all-enveloping J2X Le Mans car, K3 2/4-seater, Safari estate car and P2 Monte Carlo saloon. The K3 is an interesting new version of the former K2, with Safari tubular frame and de Dion back end.

Allard Motor Co. Ltd., 24-28, High Street, Clapham, S.W.4.

Alvis                    Stand No. 131

Alvis is remembered with warm affection by sportsmen for a range of sporting models–10/30, 12/40, 12/50, 12/60, Front Drive, Firefly, Speed Twenty and so on.

The present model is a push-rod o.h.v. 3-litre “four,” which remains unchanged for 1953. It will be shown as coupe, saloon and Show-finished chassis. The sports model, which in different forms aroused much interest at previous Earls Court Shows, will not be there this year.

Alvis Ltd., Holyhead Road, Coventry.

Armstrong-Siddeley                    Stand No. 154

Long-established and makers of some of our best air-cooled aeroplane engines, Armstrong-Siddeley at first built truly rugged cars–30-h.p., 20,h.p., Fifteen Six and Fourteen Four, pioneered the fitting of a Wilson pre-selector epicyclic gearbox and introduced, in 1932, a small six-cylinder, the Twelve/Six.

It is safe to predict that they will create a sensation at Earls Court with new 3.4-litre Sapphire saloons. This new model is a high-performance car supplementing the roomy, dignified but rather staid 2.3-litre which was the first new British car to go into production after World War II.

The Sapphire has a 99 by 90 mm., 3.4-litre six-cylinder engine with 70 deg. o.h. valves actuated, modern-style, from a camshaft in the crankcase, push-rods and rockers. It gives over 120 b.h.p. at 4,200 r.p.m. on a modest compression-ratio of 6.5 to 1 and a single Stromberg d.d. carburetter.

The four-speed pre-selector gearbox has electric control, an entirely new feature. Alternatively, a normal pre-selector box with steering-column control can be specified. The ratios in each case are 4.091, 5.564, 8.153 and 13.909 to 1.

The brakes are Girling hydraulic, and there is coil-spring trailing wishbone i.f.s. The Sapphire is geared 20 m.p.h. per 1,000 r.p.m. in top gear and the speed claimed for the four- or six-light saloon is 90-95 m.p.h.

The price of this sensational new Armstrong-Siddeley is extremely competitive–£1,100, or £1,728 3s. 4d. with p.t.

Armstrong-Siddeley Motors Ltd., Parkside, Coventry.

Aston-Martin                   Stand No. 123

Ever since the late Lionel Martin introduced this make as a refined 75-m.p.h. side-valve sports model in 1921 it has been prominent wherever sportsmen gather and competitions are held. A. C. Bertelli took over in 1927, introducing an advanced-design o.h.c., dry-sump 1½-litre car. Many years later a 2-litre version came along, the oil went back into the sump and the war saw experiments with aerodynamic coachwork, soft i.f.s. and push-rod valve operation.

Then David Brown, a great enthusiast, bought up the firm, and the present twin o.h.c. 2½-litre DB II Aston-Martin saloon was announced, a car which by its excellent performance and purposeful lines has won the heart of enthusiasts; 90 per cent. of the limited output of these fine cars go overseas.

The exhibit will comprise a saloon and two drophead coupes, backed up by the actual DB II VMF 64, which won its class at Le Mans in 1950 and 1951, in the 1951 and 1952 Mille Miglia and Alpine Rally.

Aston-Martin Ltd., Hanworth Park Works, Feltham, Middlesex.

Austin                    Stand No. 157

The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. has a long history of manufacture of British family and economy cars of solid worth, amongst which figured the Twenty, the Heavy Twelve, announced in 1919 and 1921, respectively, and the immortal 747–c.c. Austin Seven of 1922. Operating from their vast, almost-futuristic assembly plant at Longbridge, they carry on the tradition of offering a comprehensive range of medium-priced models. Kay Petre advises about the colours in which they emerge and the “draw” again this year will be the Austin A30 800-c.c. o.h.v. economy car, last year making its bow as “the greatest achievement in post-war motoring,” but only now going into big-scale production, backed by a new convertible coupe on the A40 chassis.

The Austin Motor Co., Longbridge, Birmingham.

Bentley                    Stand No. 170

The Bentley built by Rolls-Royce has no association, save in name, with the famous vintage models of this marque, but arose as W. O. Bentley’s conception of how the 20/25 Rolls-Royce of 1933/4 could be made into a silent 90-m.p.h. open or closed sports car. The original model was a 3½-litre car but this developed into a 4¼-litre, using normal suspension for a time, then taking upon itself i.f.s., while retaining the notable Rolls-Royce features of butter-slice r.h. gear change, mechanical servo braking and suspension over-ride control. Minor modifications made recently, together with an increase of engine size to 4½-litres, enable this silent, long-wearing motor car to just top 100 m.p.h. The standard four-door saloon has been restyled to provide increased luggage accommodation and will be exhibited in metallic-grey, together with a maroon left-hand-drive Park Ward drophead coupe and a grey/green two-door James Young saloon. But the model which will “steal the show” will be the two-door Mulliner Continental saloon in broken white (not the same thing, you understand, as the flaking paint of your vintage tourer!). This is a lightweight, aerodynamically-clean car which has the dual distinction of being capable of 115 m.p.h. with acceleration to match and of being the most expensive car in production in Britain (£4,890). It is for export only.

Bentley Motors Ltd., 14/15, Conduit Street, London, W.1.

Bristol                    Stand No. 133

The Bristol, produced since the war by the great Bristol Aeroplane Co., and having pre-war German B.M.W. ancestry, is that fascinating concept, a luxury car with the modest engine capacity of two litres. Beautifully appointed and finished, and with a maximum speed in the region of 100 m.p.h., the Bristol is the choice of many discerning long-distance motorists who, before sampling it, would not have considered seriously any car of less than twice the engine capacity. The design of the 401 saloon remains unchanged and it will be seen in off-white with lavender upholstery and a second example with this finish reversed—tasteful treatment of a superlative car.

The Bristol Aeroplane Co. Ltd., Filton House, Bristol.

Buick                    Stand No. 117

The Buick emerges from the mists of memory as one of the brisker American automobiles, by reason of early adoption of overhead valves. We also recall our first experience of front-wheel brakes on a car of this make, the effect being extremely impressive, although the brakes in question were of the now-obsolete external contracting variety. No data are to hand about the cars to be exhibited.

Canadian Chevrolet                    Stand No. 167

In the long ago the Chevrolet brothers raced their products and after the 1914/18 war these cars won considerable popularity as straight-forward American low-price cars and commercials possessing a willing performance. Today’s models, built by the immense General Motors concern, are the 1069X1 and 4037X1, the former exhibited in three versions of Styleline De Luxe four-door sedan, the latter as a Styleline De Luxe Bel Air coupe.

General Motors Ltd., 23 Buckingham Gate, London, S.W.1.

Citroen                    Stand No. 152

The front-drive Citroen, years ahead of its time when the mass-producing French firm introduced it in 1934, as a startingly novel successor to their former 7.5. 11.4 and 12/24 cars (most of which have long migrated to Spain in the guise of Barcelona’s yellow-and-black cabs!), sets a high standard of roadholding. comfort and safety.

The famous Light Fifteen and Six (the latter road-tested by Motor Sport last December) are continued, in improved form with a new large luggage locker containing the spare wheel, bench seats (optional on the Light Fifteen), better silencer, facia control of the heater, Zenith petrol filter, different steering-wheel, pneumatic timeswitch for the traflicators, stop and tail-lamps on each rear wing, Lucas D.M.2 distributor on the four-cylinder models and metallichrome finish on coloured cars. Otherwise these are the same staunch traction avant Citroens with torsional suspension, strong steel bodies and o.h.v. wet-liner engines. They are joined by a new model, the Big Fifteen family saloon, which has a 7 in. longer wheelbase and 4½ in. wider track than the Light Fifteen and seats six, but uses the same well-tried 1,911-c.c. engine. Motor Sport for December, 1951, had something to say about this model.

Although of French origin, Citroen cars are built at Slough, in England. Two Light Fifteen saloons with sunshine roof, one with fixed roof, a Six saloon and two of the new models are exhibited.

Citroen Cars Ltd., Trading Estate, Slough, Bucks.

Daimler                    Stand No. 165

Renowned as makers of the Royal cars and famous for large luxury carriages, including those fabulous “Double Sixes” out of history, the Daimler features the fluid flywheel and pre-selector gearbox, which renders driving virtually foolproof.

At Earls Court the 100-b.h.p. 3-litre convertible coupe in beige and black will be backed by a maroon 3-litre Regency saloon, a dark-green 2½-litre Consort saloon and a 5½-litre blue and black straight-eight Hooper limousine, the last-named, in particular, Daimler’s link with its regal and dignified history as a producer of great cars.

Daimler Co. Ltd., Radford Works, Coventry.

Delahaye                    Stand No. 146

Delahaye was there at the beginning, horseless-carriages of this French make running in those now-legendary town-to-town races that marked the birth of the new industry. After building fairly sober cars Delahaye came out in the ‘thirties with a typical French sports/racing car with rugged but powerful push-rod o.h.v., six-cylinder, multi-carburetter engine and transverse-leaf-spring i.f.s.

The car shown by Selbourne Ltd. is the famous 135M of this conception, giving 135 b.h.p. at 3,850 r.p.m. from a long-stroke 3½-litre engine with triple Solex d.d. carburetters. The gearbox is that inimitable electrically-controlled finger-tip-change Cotal and the body a drophead sedanca by Selbourne themselves. It is backed up by a Type 235 Delahaye with two-door Antem saloon bodywork, this model being the 152-b.h.p., 120-m.p.h. version of the 135M.

Selbourne (Mayfair) Ltd., 82, Park Street, Grosvenor Square, London, W.1.

Ford                    Stand No. 137

Ford, another immortal, is best remembered by the famous model-T which rose towards mass-produced pre-eminence in 1908 and did not fade until 1927, when it gave way to the model-A. The Ford V8 was another sensation, setting as it did a new conception of low-price high-performance. Today, Dagenham offers the refreshingly new Consul four-cylinder and Zephyr six-cylinder “over-square” o.h.v. cars, with their own version of vertical slide, coil-spring i.f.s., and roomy if externally-austere saloon bodies–to which is added the new Zephyr convertible de ville. Besides these brisk, practical models will be seen their “poor relations,” the Anglia Eight and Prefect Ten, offering real hard service with extreme economy. At the time of writing the Anglia remains the least expensive model at the Show–basic price £313 10s. for the saloon. Improvements since last year to the”5-star” Consul and Zephyr Six range include a new facia, full-width parcels-shelf and improved control pedals.

Ford Motor Co. Ltd., Dagenham, Essex

Frazer-Nash                    Stand No. 159

Amongst the fastest and most compact sports/racing and high-performance cars at Earls Court, we have little need to enlarge on the Frazer-Nash cars, because whatever else they miss, all enthusiasts present will visit this stand to see for themselves. Also, the latest models were described in Motor Sport last month. Nor need we remind you that these Bristol-engined cars with their superlative record in post-war competition events bear no resemblance apart from being individually-built vehicles of enormous personality, to the now-defunct (in the production sense) chain-drive Frazer-Nashes which derived from the G.N. cyclecar.

On show will be the new Mk.II Le Mans Replica competition car, of the sort raced by Ken Wharton, the new Targa Florio and Turisrno cars, and the Mille Miglia Frazer-Nash. Don’t miss them!

A surprise exhibit on this stand will be a new 2.6-litre 4-cylinder 90-b.h.p. Mk. IV 2/3-seater, whereas all previous post-war Frazer-Nash cars have had 2-litre 4-cylinder engines.

A.F.N. Ltd., Falcon Works, London Road, Isleworth, Middlesex.

Healey                    Stand No. 113

Veteran competition driver Donald Healey made his name with Triumph cars in Monte Carlo Rallies and sponsored a remarkable straight-eight twin-camshaft version of that make for some reason known as the “Alfa-Romeo built in Coventry.” After the war he formed the Healey Motor Co. to build an advanced high-performance car with 2½-litre Riley power unit and i.f.s. incorporating very substantial trailing links. The first Healey was endowed with a streamlined saloon body and became notable as the first post-war production car to exceed 100 m.p.h. on road-test, later covering 104 miles in the hour at Montlhery. An open aerodynamic version followed, joined later by the Silverstone competition model.

Today the Healey is available with the well-tried Riley engine, and also with the 3-litre Alvis engine. The Nash-Healey, for export only, is an Americanised version with Nash 4.1-litre six-cylinder engine and bodywork on the Healey chassis. Models on show are likely to include a Nash-Healey two-seater, Riley-Healey two-door Tickford sports saloon, Riley-Healey Abbott drophead coupe and Alvis-Healey sports convertible. A Nash-Healey was the first Anglo-American car home at Le Mans this year. It finished third.

Donald Healey Motor Co. Ltd., The Cape, Warwick.

Hotchkiss                    Stand No. 120

Harold Radford & Co. Ltd., ambitious concessionaires of high-performance English and Continental cars, are sole concessionaires in Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the British Empire for Hotchkiss that fine French car which offers very great speed and comfort while retaining its old-world dignity. They will exhibit examples of the 3½-litre Anjou and Grand Sport saloons, the latter with twin-carburetter “Paris-Nice” engine in the short chassis, a car for which, if Editors were not Christians, we could easily break the Tenth Commandment. Also on this stand will be shown the clever 2-litre integral-construction light-alloy Hotchkiss-Gregoire saloon with four-cylinder horizontally-opposed engine, which should draw the technicians. A speed of 90-95 m.p.h. is claimed for it.

Harold Radford & Co. Ltd., Melton Court, South Kensington, London, S.W.1.

Hudson                     Stand No, 138

From the Hudson Super Six of tender memory this American make has developed apace. Indeed, the latest Hornet, Wasp, Commodore and Pacemaker prompt a little poem:

With super-dome to give miracle H-power.

Hydramatic and monobuilt frame.

Here is a car to throw out miles per hour.

To comfortably seat you, to “step-down ” the lame.

This is the model With Dura-fab seat.

Super-sized assist straps and chrome-alloy block.

Hollywood hard-top to keep out the heat.

Duo-flow oil to stifle all knock.

Fluid-cushioned clutch and triple-safe brakes.

The Hudson takes you home in a couple shakes.

Hudson Motor Car Co., Gt. West Road, London, W4.

Humber                    Stand No. 145

The old-established English firm of Humber Ltd. was absorbed into the Rootes Group some years before World War II. The aim of the post-war Humbers has been to provide comfortable, notably roomy closed cars of medium price and moderate engine size. The Hawk for 1953 has improved body lines, a larger (9-in, diameter) clutch, more accessible cylinder block drain tap, stronger frame with fully-boxed-in side-members and sub-frame, larger rear shock-absorbers and detail improvements. The new model is termed the Touring Limousine and has comfortable accommodation for five or six persons. Even more capacious are the Humber Pullman limousine and Imperial saloon, the basic price of which has been recently reduced to a competitive £1,395.

In addition, Humber enters the high-performance market with the competitively-priced new Super Snipe Mk. IV which, with an o.h.v. 4.1-litre 6-cylinder engine, will exceed 90 m.p.h. It has very strong shock-absorbers, stiff chassis, 2-speed wipers and new body lines. The basic price is £1,130.

Humber Ltd., Coventry.        

Jaguar                  Stand No. 168

Jaguar have made no main alterations in their successful range of sports and high-performance cars. They will show a Mk. VII saloon, XK 120 sports two-seater and the very beautiful XK 120 fixed-head coupe, but not, it seems, the XK 120C. The XK 120 coupe which averaged over 100 m.p.h. at Montlhery for seven days and nights, breaking nine International Class records on the way, will be on the Stand.

Jaguar Cars Ltd., Coventry.

Jensen                    Stand No. 148

The Jensen is a 4-litre Austin-powered car of imposing appearance, capable not only of exceeding the century in the matter of speed, but of achieving 97 m.p.h. at the “safe” piston-speed of 2,500 r.p.m., by reason of the introduction, for 1953, of a 2.85 to 1 overdrive top gear. This over-drive is brought into or out of engagement by a sideways flick of the gear-lever, without need to depress the clutch pedal.

Two models are shown, the Interceptor two-door saloon and the normal two-door 5/6-seater saloon. The controls and front seats have been moved forward to provide still greater room in the rear compartment.

Jensen Motors Ltd., West Bromwich.

Jowett                    Stand No. 134

Famous for years and years as the honest Yorkshire firm building the 7-h.p. flat-twin light car possessed of “the little engine with the big pull,” after the second World War the new Javelin was the first truly new car. With its roomy six-seater saloon body of semi-streamlined shape, torsional suspension, big luggage boot and plenty of leg-room by reason of a compact 1½-litre o.h.v. flat-four engine developed from the pre-war Jowett “four” of this sort, the Javelin has won an enormous following by reason of its smooth 80 m.p.h. at 30 m.p.g. Sports-car enthusiasts are catered for by the 2/3-seater Jupiter convertible, which has twice won the 1½-litre class at Le Mans and gained important rally successes. It is a smooth-running, smooth-riding, economical 90-m.p.h. car in the 1½ -litre category, a class once popular with British sports-car makers, but today sadly neglected.

Jowett Cars Ltd., Idle, Bradford, Yorkshire.

Lagonda                    Stand No. 132

The Lagonda was always an enthusiasts’ car from the introduction by the then Staines factory of the twin-cam 2-litre model in 1926, successor to the economy 11.9 i.o.e. Lagonda, the present 2½-litre car may be described as a town-carriage and long-distance touring version of the DB II Aston-Martin. It uses the same power unit, in a chassis associated with W. O. Bentley and having all-round independent suspension.

The Mk. II Type LBS Lagonda is a luxurious carriage, now endowed with new styling, a wider body, new facia, heater for rear-seat passengers, two-speed wipers and hydraulic jacks.

Lagonda Ltd., Hanworth Park Works, Feltham, Middlesex.

Lanchester                    Stand No. 166

Pioneers of the motor car in this country, the early Lanchesters were way ahead of their competitors, as those of you who take your Earls Court colds on the V.C.C. Brighton Run on November 2nd will be able to appreciate. Afterwards the Lanchaster became a luxury car par excellence, as the Forty and the Twenty-one, and later the straight-eight model.

For some time past this old-established firm has concentrated on smaller cars. It shows at Earls Court the 2-litre Fourteen, of which the Leda is the special export model. The De Ville Convertible is a fine open/closed car, with power-operated hood and windows.

Like the Daimlers, Lanchester cars employ the clever fluid flywheel and epicyclic gearbox.

Lanchester Motor Co. Ltd., Radford Works, Coventry.

Lancia                    Stand No. 126

Lancia has long been a name to conjure with in Italian motoring circles. Lancia the man was a great racing driver in the heroic age of the sport. Of the cars which bear his name, the Kappa and V8 Trikappa models are of misty memory but vintage enthusiasts still proclaim the Lambda range and many examples of the Augusta and the 80-m.p.h., 30-m.p.g. Aprilia saloon are still with us.

The modern Lancia Aurelia is a motor car of outstanding performance and technical merit. It keeps faith with the narrow-vee cylinder arrangement, being a 60-deg. “six” of 1,991 c.c. It also retains the Lancia coil-spring i.f.s. but at the back is the four-speed over-drive gearbox and independent suspension, again by coilsprings, and body and chassis are integral.

The 5/6-seater B.21 pillarless saloon does 90 m.p.h. and gives 25 m.p.g. but, in case this does not satisfy, there is the B.20 Gran Turismo two-door, 2/3-seater sports saloon, 3 ¾ in. shorter in wheelbase, with 8.8 to 1 instead of 7.8 to 1 compression ratio and two 32DR7SP Webers in place of one 30AAI Solex dual d.d. carburetter. 100 m.p.h. is claimed for this version, still at 25 m.p.g. on (British Government please note) high-octane pump fuel. For 1953 the Gran Turismo has a fractionally higher compression ratio, lower gear ratios and fractionally higher axle ratio.

Definitely the Aurelia is one of the world’s great motor cars.

Lancia (Engand) Ltd., 572 Ealing Road, Alperton, Middlesex.

Lincoln                    Stand No. 139

Henry Ford was ever versatile and while he was selling his model-T Ford utility car in millions he was also building the seductive Lincoln V8 luxury car.

The present model is a 90-deg. V8 Capri Special Custom Fordor sedan for which 200 b.h.p is claimed. It shares the stand with the Canadian Fords—a Crestline Sunliner convertible coupe and a Customline Fordor sedan with side-valve 110 b.h.p. engines and a similar version with smaller o.h.v. in-line-six engine of the same horse-power.

Lincoln Cars Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex.

M.G.                     Stand No. 150

The development, by the late Cecil Kimber, of the sports M.G.s out of, first the Morris Oxford, later the Morris Minor chassis, is too well known to need recapitulation. M.G. has taken an exceedingly active part in serious racing and record-attacks as John Thornley’s book “Maintaining the Breed,” one of the absolute best of its kind, reminds us. Today the TD M.G. Midget (but why still “Midget”?) is favoured by sportsmen and sports girls the world over. It remains happily unchanged for 1953. Its companion in “safety-fast” motoring, the 1¼-litre saloon, now has larger clutch, brakes and dampers and a hypoid back axle.

The M.G. Car Co. Ltd., Cowley, Oxford.

Morgan                    Stand No. 116

The Morgan Plus Four has now been in production for a full season and this brisk leech has won widespread popularity, and several notable Rally victories. A normal Standard Vanguard engine in a low, compact, light and simple chassis, embodying the famous coil-spring and slide i.f.s. introduced for the very first three-wheeler (for Morgan pioneered with practical tricars in 1911, taking the Light Car Hour Record at nearly 60 m.p.h. before the Kaiser War), is an excellent sportsman’s recipe. The Plus Four, which succeeds the famous 4/4 introduced in 1937, is now available with a high back-axle ratio to choice but is otherwise unchanged. On the stand are two two-seaters, two coupes and a four-seater representing inexpensive high-performance for the home and export markets.

Morgan Motor Co. Ltd., Pickersleigh Road, Malvern Link, Worcs.

Morris                    Stand No. 156

Morris has long represented all that is best in British economy-car construction, commencing with the first William Morris-conceived light car of 1912 and continuing through the famous Cowleys and Oxfords to the original Minor, produced in both s.v. and o.h.c. forms. A racing-bodied Minor achieved both 100 m.p.h. and 100 m.p.g of fuel before the war. After the war Alec Issigonis, designer of the Lightweight Special sprint car of advanced design, evolved the modern Morris Minor for the Nuffield Organisation, and thus was born the first British economy-car to challenge the Continent in the matter of outstanding cornering and roadholding and impeccable rack-and-pinion steering.

History now repeats itself and the Minor acquires an o.h.v. engine—actually the push-rod A30 Austin Seven 803-c.c. unit. It can now be revealed that lssigonis planned the post-war Minor round a flat-four engine and when it proved impractical to manufacture this, he hoped to install an o.h.c. “four.” In the end a s.v. 918-c.c. engine similar to that in the pre-war Series II Morris Eight was used, geared high, possibly because the new car ran so remarkably well that it was feared it would outlive the old engine design.

The result was a certain “lack of steam” in an otherwise splendid little car. With its new o.h.v. engine and an axle ratio reduced from 4.55 to 5.28 to 1, the Morris Minor will take on a new lease of life and represent the best over 40-m.p.g. motor car available today.

New colour schemes are available for it, the luggage boot is more thief-proof, there are dual wipers and other detail-improvements, and the roadwheels are balanced. Over 65 m.p.h. and 20-60 m.p.h. in 65 seconds are claimed in o.h.v. form.

The excellent 1½-litre Morris Oxford, which shares the Minor’s good road manners, has similar improvements and a “new look” but remains a 41-b.h.p. s.v. car. The 2¼-litre Six has detail improvements, a new cylinder head and high-output dynamo. It retains the classic vertical-valve single o.h.c. engine, giving 70 b.h.p. Excellent cars, these Nuffield products.

Morris Motors Ltd., Cowley, Oxford.

Nash                     Stand No. 114

Always one of the more exclusive American automobiles, Nash celebrates its 60th anniversary by showing examples of the Rambler station wagon and Statesman and Ambassador sedans with unitised Airflyte construction. Side-valve engines are used for the two former and the new Super Jetfire o.h.v. engine for the latter.

Nash Concessionaires Ltd., Nash Street, Albany Street, London, N.W.1.

Oldsmobile                    Stand No. 129

Oldsmobile has been a name to conjure with in American motoring since the days of the tiller-steered, single-cylinder runabout version. On Stand 129 you can inspect a Series 98 5-litre De Luxe four-door sedan and De Luxe convertible coupe and Series 88 Super four-door sedan and Super Holiday coupe. These are modern American designs for which 98 m.p.h. is claimed.

General Motors Ltd., 23, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W.I.

Pegaso                    Stand No. 118

For the first time in this country the new Spanish Pegaso will be on public show, thanks to the ingenuity of Harold Radford & Co. Ltd.

This exciting, technically-very-advanced car was described in some detail in Motor Sport towards the end of last year, following our visit to the E.N.N.S.A. factory at Barcelona, where it is produced in conditions equal to those of a racing-car shop. Although the car proved disappointing at Monaco and failed to start at Le Mans, engineers predict a great future for the Pegaso. At the time of writing it is not known whether the 2.5 or 2.8-litre Z102 90-deg. V8 will be shown. Whichever comes over, enthusiasts are sure to swarm over its beautiful four-o.h.c., five-bearing engine, which, in multi-carburetter high-compression form, is capable of providing something like 125 m.p.h. This is a road version of the G.P.-type car.

Emprensa Nacional de Altocamiones S.A., Lagasca 88, Madrid, Spain.

Renault                    Stand No. 149

Pioneers in the French motor industry, Renault early established a reputation for reliability and fine construction. Marcel Renault was killed in the Paris-Madrid race of 1903; a Renault won the first Grand Prix race in 1906. In the period between the world wars a wide range of dependable rather than spectacular cars was made from the 8.3 to the majestic Forty-Five, Renault’s scuttle-radiator and dust-excluding bonnet eventually giving way to a normal forward-radiator, albeit this was at first concealed behind shutters suggestive of the former bonnet.

The modern Renaults are equally outstanding. The little rear-engined 750-c.c. economy car, produced in great numbers in a nationalised factory, offers probably the greatest fuel economy of any four-wheeled car in current production, while seating four adults in comfort, each having his or her own door. The technical excellence of the combined o.h.v. engine/three-speed gearbox unit and of the all-round independent suspension can he seen from the pedestal-mounted units on the stand.

The engine size was reduced to 748 c.c to enable the little Renault to compete in Class II competitions, and it has performed outstandingly in such arduous events as Monte Carlo, Morocco, Tulip, Alpine and Liege-Rome-Liege Rallies and the Le Mans race. Apart from the outstanding economy of fuel, the baby Renault has a low-speed engine with detachable wet-liners, ensuring longevity and it gives a very “even-keel” ride over bad surfaces. It is available as a Grand Luxe convertible for export only, as well as a saloon.

The other Renault is the export-only 2-litre saloon with almost-square engine, alloy head, over-drive four-speed box, in a rigid body/ chassis structure. Suspension is independent all round and 28 m.p.g. is claimed for this roomy, serviceable car. Three examples are shown.

Renault Ltd., Western Avenue, Acton, London, W.3.

Riley                    Stand No. 130

Early in the field of motor vehicle manufacture, Riley has given us many memorable models, including the 12-h.p. s.v. cars of the ‘twenties, featured recently in our correspondence pages, and the immortal Riley Nine of 1926. Easier engine maintenance, better brakes, hypoid back axles with lowered ratio on the smaller car and open propeller shafts are amongst the 1953 modifications to the well tried, dignified 1½-litre and 2½-litre four-cylinder cars.

Riley Motors Ltd., Cowley, Oxford.

Rolls-Royce                    Stand No. 171

Traditionally “The Best Car in the World,” the Rolls-Royce developed from the late Sir Henry Royce’s 1904 conception of what the perfect motor car should be like, through the immortal Silver Ghost of 1907 (which prototype is beautifully preserved by Rolls-Royce to this day) and the subsequent o.h.v. Phantom I and Phantom II cars, the latter at last substituting ½-elliptic for cantilever rear springs, to the fabulous 7.3-litre VI2 with complicated form of oil-damped i.f.s.

Mourn these great cars we may, but even Rolls-Royce have had to bow to the changing times in which we live, and the present Silver Wraith model is but of 4 litres capacity.

It is shown as a Tudor-grey Park Ward saloon, a maroon Hooper touring limousine and a black Milliner seven-passenger limousine. Also exhibited is a velvet-green Silver Dawn saloon, for export only.

Rolls-Royce Ltd., 14/15, Conduit Street, London, W.1.

Rover                    Stand No. 164

Rover settled down round about 1934 to a range of smallish to medium-sized cars outstanding by reason of their quiet quality, even minor parts being just that much better made and finished than those of lesser makes. This followed on a chequered list of earlier models—the 1905 one-cylinder, backbone-chassis Eight, the excellent pre-1914 Twelve, the economy air-cooled flat-twin, and those solid tourers of the ‘twenties with their headlamps attached to the sides of the radiator, the technically-complex Poppe-designed 14/45, raced at Brooklands, the famous Blue Train Rover and so on . . .

The present-day Rover 75 continues the quality-tradition, combined with an external style which rather startled some people a year or two ago but which has since been adopted by other manufacturers, Ford included.

Detail improvements to this fine car, sired by a company which has so quietly yet effectively produced the world’s first turbo-jet car, number a new radiator grille, elimination of the “Cyclop’s eye” headlamp, an unobstructed luggage locker floor with the spare wheel now in a separate compartment (all others, please copy), better heating and ventilating system, new sound-proofing, more comfortable front seat, more leg-room in the back, petrol pump transferred to the luggage boot, higher voltage coil and a solenoid-operated petrol reserve valve actuated by a facia switch.

On the stand a chassis can be examined, and five “75” saloons, finished respectively in ivory, black, pastel-blue, sage-green and grey.

The Rover Co. Ltd., Meteor Works, Lode Lane, Solihull, Birmingham.

Singer             Stand No. 142

Singer came out before the Kaiser war with a Ten and built many successful small cars thereafter, including the Junior of 1927, still sometimes seen in Porlock sports form. This model had the chain-driven o.h.c. engine which has featured on all subsequent Singer models, including the successful Nine and 1½-litre sports models and the present SM1500 saloon.

The SM 1500 remains unchanged for 1953 but may be had with two-carburetter engine giving increased performance. There is now thermostat cooling and a changed external appearance. The Roadster four-seater is a car for the open-air lover and has the 1,497-c.c. o.h.c. engine.

Singer Motors Ltd., Coventry Road Works, Birmingham, 10.

Standard                    Stand No. 144

The Standard Company fits into history mainly as the makers of big-output small and family cars. The little 9.5-h.p. model of 1914 was one of the most successful of the pioneer “big cars in miniature,” and the “11.6 ” one of the first all-weather models. The Company was saved from financial disaster in 1927 by the rapid preparation of the worm-drive Standard Nine which grew up into the Big and Little Nines.

After the war Standard adopted a one-model policy with their 2-litre Vanguard, designed for world-wide application. This continues virtually unchanged for 1953.

Standard Motor Co. Ltd., Canley Works, Coventry.

Studebaker                     Stand No. 151

A notable American car, the 1953 models wear a grin different from that of last year.

The Champion will be exhibited in Regal hard-top convertible, five-passenger de luxe coupe and Custom two-door sedan forms and the Commander Land Cruiser will also be shown.

Studebaker Corporation, 385, Euston Road, London, N.W.1.

Sunbeam-Talbot                     Stand No. 147

The present Sunbeam-Talbot bears no design-relationship to the old Sunbeam and Talbot cars. It is a well-developed product of the Rootes Group which evolved before the war as an attractive small sporting car using an Aero Minx s.v. engine. Subsequently it was enlarged, and improved down the years, i.f.s. superseding a normal front axle and side valves giving place to push-rod-prodded o.h.v. The 1952 “90” model represented a very fine up-to-the-minute 2¼-litre car, available in saloon and convertible forms and having a particularly pleasing appearance. Its performance capabilities and robustness were amply demonstrated when Stirling Moss brought one of these cars home second in the Monte Carlo Rally and when Messrs. Moss, Hawthorn and Murray-Frame won many awards, including the Manufacturers’ Team Prize, in this year’s tough Alpine Rally.

For 1953 the Sunbeam-Talbot 90 is further improved, having detail suspension modifications, improved steering, restyled wheels with provision for sending a stream of air onto the finned brake drums, while the rear-wheel spats have been deleted. This graceful 90-m.p.h. car represents the ideal of a great proportion of the world’s car buyers and fresh-air advocates will particularly appreciate the convertible version.

Sunbeam Talbot Ltd., Ryton on Dunsmore, Coventry.

Triumph                    Stand No. 125

Triumph entered the baby-car field in 1927 with the Super Seven, which had a three-bearing crankshaft and the hydraulic four-wheel brakes pioneered on the earlier Fifteen and was thus a luxury model in its class. Victor Horsman raced two versions at Brooklands.

Today Triumph caters for the economy market with the popular Mayflower saloon. Triumph have also sprung a surprise by introducing an entirely new 2-litre sports two-seater. This has a four-cylinder 1,991-c.c. engine in a 7 ft. 4 in. wheelbase chassis weighing in two-seater form 15¼ cwt. ready for the road. 75 b.h.p. is claimed at 4,500 r.p.m., with a maximum speed of 96 m.p.h.

Triumph Motor Co. (1945) Ltd., Canley Works, Coventry.

Vauxhall                   Stand No. 163

The famous Prince Henry and 30/98 sporting Vauxhalls faded away in 1928 when General Motors took over the old Vauxhall works at Luton, where the straw hats came from. They introduced the 20/60, intended for much larger-scale production. This was superseded by a number of medium-size family cars, including the Vauxhall Ten which used wide-gap ignition to achieve astonishing fuel consumption.

Today Vauxhall offers excellent performance and economy in the moderate-price field with its six-cylinder Velox and four-cylinder Wyvern saloons, now appearing in such happy new-look colours as Caribbean-blue, cloud-mist grey, forest-green and sand-beige.

“Square” engines were introduced recently and further improvements to appearance and convenience will he seen on the cars at Earls Court. For instance, “the speedometer readings on the Wyvern are now more accurate,” says a Vauxhall announcement.

Vauxhall Motors Ltd., Luton, Bedfordshire.

Wolsley                    Stand No. 143

The Wolseley was one of the British pioneers and down the years a wide variety of models was offered, including the near-luxury six of 1920, the flat-twin, i.o.e. and o.h.c. small cars and the revolutionary Wolseley Hornet, first of the tiny Sixes.

A new model will prove one of the Earls Court attractions. It is the Wolseley Four/Forty, a medium-sized, full five-seater saloon with a 1,250-c.c., push-rod o.h.v. four-cylinder engine.

Wolsley Motors Ltd., Cowley, Oxford.

Information on the following cars was received too late for main alphabetical classification :—

Cadillac                   Stand No. 117

On the Buick stand Lendrum-Hartman will also show a Series 60 Special Cadillac, which is the 5½-litre V8 version of a pioneer American automobile of the luxury order. It has the 180-b.h.p. o.h.v. engine made famous here in the Allard, hydromatic transmission and hydraulic actuation of seats and windows.

Lendrum & Hartman Ltd., Buick Works, Old Oak Lane, N.W.10.

Chrysler & Plymouth                     Stand No. 162

The Chrysler created a stir over here in the mid-‘twenties with a very brisk, well-braked 75 model, a car which later borrowed from Vauxhall a scolloped radiator.

Today Chrysler lines up with other prominent American manufacturers in offering V8 (of 180 b.h.p.) and six-cylinder models. Less expensive is the six-cylinder Plymouth.

Chrysler Motors td., Mortlake Road, Kew, Surrey.

FIAT Stand No. 158

One of the most famous Italian makes, Fiat has long been regarded in this country with esteem, its 501, o.h.c. 8-h.p. and 500 and Ballila models being received with especial affection.

Stand 158 contains a selection of splendid cars. from the o.h.v. 570-c.c. 500C convertible coupe and station wagon — perhaps the world’s best baby — through the medium-sized, softly sprung 1,400, to the new 1,900 high-performance four-cylinder and the fast 8V sports coupe.

Fiat (England) Ltd., Water Road, Wembley, Middlesex.

Dodge and De Soto                    Stand No. 169

The Dodge was well known here in the ‘twenties as an inexpensive Yank, one of those which all looked alike and seriously challenged the British manufacturers in spite of the McKenna duties. It is shown in six-cylinder and V8 forms, backed by the V8 160-b.h.p. De Soto.

Dodge Bros. (Britain) Ltd., Chrysler Works, Mortlake Road, Kew, Surrey.

Ford (France)                    Stand No. 115

The 2.1-litre V8 Vedette will be featured, a product of Ford’s French factory.

Ford S.A.F., Poissy, France.

Hillman                    Stand No. 135

Always, in the main, a small car, the Hillman introduced the proper all-weather body to the low-price market many years before the useful Minx was born — and before that it was no mean sports car.

Today’s Minx represents extremely good value-for-money for those who wish to take a family as far as possible on a gallon, in a pleasing-to-drive car. Minor changes only have been made, including higher geared steering. The steering column gear change works very nicely. See the Minx International on this stand.

Hillman Motor Car Ltd., Ryton-on-Dunsmore, near Coventry.

Kaiser                    Stand No. 153

One of America’s newer cars, the Kaiser models, four- and six-cylinder, have been modified in several important respects for 1953.

Steele Griffiths & Co Ltd., 295 Camberwell Road, London, S.E.5.

Lea-Francis                    Stand No. 155

Lea-Francis, early English small car, and subsequently existing Meadows-engined sports model, offered in blown form, in which guise it won the first Ulster T.T. for Kaye Don. The Lea-Francis is now a solid 2½-litre with efficient valve layout. available in sports two-seater form.

Lea-Francis Cars Ltd., Much Park Street, Coventry.

Packard                    Stand No. 124

America’s luxury car, the Packard, once a twin-six, is shown in Type 200, 25th Series Straight-Eight form.

Leonard Williams & Co (1940) Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex.

Panhard                    Stand No. 141

Grand-daddy of all cars, the Panhard company today sensibly recognises the economy-car market, and its little air-cooled, flat-twin Dyna can see off most cars of its size, that is, 745 and 851-c.c. Do not fail to study these attractive “people’s cars,” which have done so well in big races and International rallies.

S. Salem Ltd., 15 Cross Street, Manchester, 2.

Peugeot                    Stand No. 160

From pepper pot makers to horseless carriage pioneers, Peugeot built a wide range of useful French automobiles, from 7.5 to 40 h.p. They dominated the important races of 1912-13.

The very attractive 203 saloon will be seen in three different colour schemes. The engine develops slightly more power than before.

Tom Knowles, 19 Brick Street, London, W.1.

Pontiac                     Stand No. 121

The Series 25 Chieftain will be shown as four different colour saloons.

U.S. Concessionaires Ltd., 5, Jubilee Place, London, S.W.3.

Simca                    Stand No. 140

Many covetous folk can be expected to crowd the Simca stand, for what is more attractive for family fast motoring with notable economy than the 1.221-c.c. o.h.v. Aronde, or a nicer race-bred sports car than the same-size 50-b.h.p. Simca?

Simca, 88, Avenue de Neuilly, Neuilly, France.

Willys-Overland                    Stand No. 119

After the Kaiser War the Willys-Overland was an inexpensive Yank built in Manchester, and later the Overland Whippet was an attempt to introduce what in the States represented a small car.

The present range of powerful six-cylinder ars are of far more ambitious purpose.

Jack Olding & Co Ltd., 8 North Audley Street, London, W.1.

See also page 518