Black mark for BMW

On the eve of Earls Court we received a hand-out over the name of Raymond Playfoot which told us that two lion cubs would be in the back of the new Touring estate car on the BMW stand at the Motor Show. The times when these unlucky lions would be on show was announced—they had, it was explained, to be taken away after an hour to be “drained”. Is this decent treatment of these young animals? A zoo cage is bad enough but the smoke-filled hubbub of a Motor Show…!

If Mr. Playfoot cannot sell BMW motor cars without this kind of gimmick we are sorry for him—but far more sorry for the lion cubs. The notice concluded: “Please call me if you have any queries.” For the information of the RSPCA the number is 01-486 6644. Perhaps before next year’s Motor Show they will convince Mr. Playfoot that girls may be permissible (the hand-out also remarked “Girls… be available”, adding “for pictures” in brackets) but that defenceless young non-domestic animals are most certainly not.—W. B.