EV/1N had one of the very fastest track cars been among the entry at this meting, there would have been no chance of any lap records being put up.

Although rain held off for most of the meeting, the weather was too windy excessive speeds to be safe or possible, and therefore the interest of the centered more on the Mountain which provided the best racing of series.

As this was the last meeting of season with the exception of the 500 races on the 4th of this month, there considerable speculation as to who prove the fastest ” round-the-mountain driver till next year.

Following the practice of handicaps of previous meetings, we presented with a Riley handicap to the programme. However, Railton “S. Bird,” being non-starters, only 3 came to the line with R. T. Horton, virtually scratch. The handicapping well worked out, and Horton just, only just, came past Burcher and to win at 85.7 m.p.h. The second race saw a better including Sammy Davis in Capt. supercharged Austin, still of the orange hue but with a new body in streamlining had been more attended to, with good results. 53 seconds from scratch he made use of this and held off the challenge of field well till, near the end, when R. Stewart’s Alfa-Romeo, which had going through the field in fine style,

by him to win by about 150 yards at 100.38 m.p.h. Selby, whose ” Bug.” was in good form the whole afternoon, came up into 3rd place behind Davis.

A Runaway Win.

The next race showed that Munday’s Vauxhall, the limit car, was much faster than the handicappers anticipated, and he had things all his own way, coming home at 95.2 m.p.h.—a very stout effort for a veteran. The chief interest of the race was the duel between Cobb on the Delage and Cyril Paul on the Benz, which was resplendent in a new coat of paint, and looked more like a fire engine than ever ! Cobb gave him 23 secs, on the 2i laps. but just made it up and got home second.

The very strong wind was blowing the cars down the finishing straight in the next race, the Mountain Racing Handicap, and our expectation that cars would be faster than usual into the bend and on to the banking was justified, the, cornering at this point being very speedy indeed.

Malcolm Campbell on his wonderful little G. P. Delage was on scratch, and soon started streaking through the field. The limit man, Robinson, on an old Brescia” Bug.,” only had three cylinders working properly and was slow in consequence. Penn-Hughes on a 2 litre Bugatti was very fast, and with 1 min. 25 secs. start in the 10 laps was soon seen to be a certain winner, and drew away from Selby on a similar model. On one lap, however, he came perilously near the top of the banking

while sorting out his gear change, but otherwise drove really well, and thoroughly deserved his win. Campbell’s highly finished performance excited every one’s admiration, and though he failed to overcome his handicap, his performance was an education to watch in speed and accuracy.

The fifth race produced another win for the limit man, as this time V. Horsman, on an ordinary unsupercharged 850 c.c. Triumph held his lead throughout to win at 74.81 m.p.h.

S. C. H. Davis got off the mark well, and started to pick up on Horsman, while Major Gardner (Amilcar) and Selby (Bugatti) were fast catching Davis. Entering the Byfleet banking on the last lap, Gardner passed Davis, who was also passed by Selby at the Vickers sheds. Selby could not catch Gardner, though, and had to be content with third place.

This was certainly Vauxhall’s good day, and in the sixth race, over approximately 3i laps, Daybell’s Vauxhall led from start to finish. There was a great fight for second place between Cyril Paul on the big Benz, E. L. Bouts on the Sunbeam, and J. R. Cobb on the Delage. This resulted, among other things, in Bouts getting fined E4 by the stewards for his manner of driving. Coming off the Members’ banking to the finish, Paul managed with difficulty to pass Bouts while Cobb was coming ap fast behind, and flashed below them both on to the railway straight. An interesting sidelight on this incident is given by our photographs at this point, of Paul on the

Benz attempting to pass Bouts, and of Cobb, both. photos being taken on the previous lap within a few seconds of each other. It can be seen from these that Bouts is actually higher on the banking than Cobb, the scratch man, at the same point. Both Cobb and Bouts have just left the bump, and have all four wheels clear of the track.

The next race was a handicap for T.T. cars, the issue soon settling between Earl Howe, on his ” Mere,” Brian Lewis (Talbot) and Gardner’s Amilcar. Lewis was very fast, and the result was never in doubt, as he passed the Amilcar in the second lap to win comfortably, while the Mercedes, although screaming through the field, could not make up the distance on the Amilcar and finished third. The Talbots speed was 94.78 m.p.h. The last race of the meeting was the Mountain Speed Handicap, Aldington being on the scratch mark in company with Campbell and Howe on the big ” Mercs.” it will be remembered that at an earlier meeting he had to give Campbell’s Mecedes a start in this event and actually gained on him throughout ! However, that day the Mere. was new, while now it has had a season’s road racing in which to get going well, while Aldington’s engine was untouched from the previous meeting. The getaway of these three cars at the start was terrific Aldington was fractionally late at the fall of the flag, but lost no more from then to the first corner, and the order was Campbell, Howe, Aldington, a few feet apart only. But, Campbell, using his blower and gears to their utmost, drew ahead, and his handling of the big car

was magnificent throughout. The second time round, .Aldington, in trying to catch up, took the banking corner faster than it has ever been taken before, the car sliding bodily to within a few feet of the top, as can be seen in our photograph, where he is a bare car’s width from the lip. The cornering in general in this race was so violent that it is hard to particularize, but Lewis’s Talbot and Gorinly’s Invicta were very fast indeed, while Hall on the Bentley was excellent, and picking up steadily, came home first, followed by Bliss’s Lea-Francis and Gardner’s Amilcar. The interest of the race so centred, in the cornering speeds and especially Campbell’s

wonderful driving, that nobody seemed to know for some time who had actually won ! Aldington’s Frazer-Nash was put out by the top water joint breaking away, so he wat, not seen after the first few laps.

So ended an interesting (if somewhat chilly) meeting. And now for the 500 miles race on the 4th.


THE RILEY HANDICAP.-1, R. T. Horton, 38 secs ; 2, I). Burcher, 1 min. 20 secs. ; 3, H. S. Barton, 1 min. 40 sec. Three ran. Won by 2i5 sees.; 43 secs. between second and third. Winner’s average speed : 85.7 m.p.h.

THE MIDDLESEX JUNIOR SHORT HANDICAP.-1, R. C. Stewart, 1,752 c.c. AlfaRomeo, 15 sees. ; 2, S. C. H. Davis, 747 c.c. :Instill, 53 secs. ; 3, 1′. V. G. Selby, 1,990 c.c. Bugatti, 31 secs. Fourteen ran. Won by 2y5 sees. ; 2 3/5 secs. between second and third. Winner’s average speed : 160.38 m.p.h.

THE MIDDLESEX SENIOR SHORT HANDICAP.-1, R. J. Munday, 4,234 c.c. Vauxhall, 52 sees.; 2, J. R. Cobb, 10,688 c.c. Delage, scr.; 3, C. Paul, 21,564 c.c. Benz, 23 sees. Seven ran. Won by 2 2/5 sees.; 2 3/5 sees. between second and third. Winner’s average speed : 95.2 m.p.h.

TIM SEPTEMBER MOUNTAIN RACING HANDICAP.-1, C. Penn-Hughes, 1,990 c.c. Bugatti, 1 min. 25 sees.; 2, Capt. M. Campbell, 1,486 c.c. Delage, scr. ; 3, T. V. G. Selby, 1,990 c.c. Bugatti, 1 min. 25 sees. Eight ran. Won by 22 2/5 secs. ; 27 1/5 secs. between second and third. Winner’s average speed : 63.81 m.p.h.

THE MIDDLESEX JUNIOR LONG HANOICAP.-1, V. Horsman, 832 c.c. Triumph, 2 ruins. 5. sees. ; 2, Major A. T. G. Gardner, 1,096 c.c. Amilcar, 34 secs. ; 3, T. V. G. Selby, 1,990 c.c. Bugatti, 21 secs.

Eight ran. Won by 5 sees. ; 6 1/5 secs. between second and third. Winner’s average speed 74.1 m.p.h. THE ‘MIDDLESEX SENIOR LONG HANDICAP.-1, G. Daybell, 4,234 c.c. Vauxhall, 1 min. 4 sees. ; 2, J. R. Cobb, 10,688 Delage, scr. ; 3, C. Paul, 21,504 Benz, 31 secs. Five ran. Won by 2

2 1/5 Secs. between second and Winner’s average speed : 97.2 m.p.h.

THE4; mirmixsiix T.T. 1-IANDICAP.-1, D. E. Lewis, 2,276 c.c. Talbot, 59 secs. ;

2. Major T. t ;ardner, 1,096 c.c. Amilcar, I min. 6 sees. ; 3, Earl Howe, 7,620 c.c. Mcrckles-Benz, scr. Seven ran. Won by 5 4/5 secs. ; 7 2/5 secs, between second and third. Winner’s average speed : 94.78 m.p.h.

THE SEPTEMBER MOUNTAIN SPEED HAN111CAP.—1, E. R. Hall, 4,234 c.c. Bentley, 1 min. 24 secs. ; 2, R. Ti. P. Bliss, 1,496 c.c. Lea-Francis, 2 ruins. 15 sees. ; 3, Major A. T. G. Gardner, 1,096 c.c. Amilear, I min. 35 secs. Fifteen ran. No distance given out. Winner’s average speed : 62.86 m.p.h.