Crosthwaite & Gardiner
The classic restorers In a new series, Gordon Cruickshank visits some of Britain's finest specialist restoration preparation and manufacturing companies to find out why British craftsmen continue to lead the…
OCTOBER is Motor Show month To motorists it is a time of change, of new models and new ideas. To newcomers it marks the beginning of a new hobby, especially if their first car be a sports model. Thus October is a month for valuation and re-valuation, and an opportune moment, we feel, to put our aims and plans before our readers for their criticisms and suggestions. Primarily, our aim is to produce a monthly review of motor sport which will give the reader full and unbiased reports of all events both at home and abroad, descriptions and road-tests of the fast cars on the market, and racing gossip and news. That this programme is appreciated
we realise bythe number of letters we receive from readers, and with their approval we intend to continue it. In addition, the series of articles “Great Racing Marques,” ” Veteran Types,” and “Motor Sportsmen” which so many people enjoy will be renewed during the winter months, together with detailed descriptions of some interesting “special” ” cars constructed by readers themselves.
Is there any feature of “Motor Sport” that you would like us to enlarge—or cut out entirely ? Are there any details of cars or races that we don’t publish now that you would like us to include in the paper ? If so, just jot something down on a postcard and send it along. We want you to enjoy reading “Motor Sport,” so let us know what it is you enjoy—or object to.
Naturally we cannot promise to reply individually to every card or letter, nor to publish them all. Next month we will publish a selection, and in any case you can rest assured that your suggestions and criticisms will receive our careful consideration.
During the period 1925-1930, the height of ambition of the average sporting driver was “to own a Bentley,” for at that time the marque represented the best in the world of fast reliable sports cars. When trade depression in I 9 3 I forced the manufacturers to cease operadons, one feared that the Bentley had gone for ever. Its re-appearance this month will cause widespread satisfaction.