


The house journal Of Abbott, Laboratories Ltd., ” What’s New,” features artielc. of interest. in the medical profession, including a regular motorimg feature illustrated by a full-page Colour picture suitable for framing in the surgery, waiting room, etc. These-Motoring articles will include a history Of the ambulance, Dr. Benjaficld-‘Boeing 114rotorist, ete. G.P.s, Consult antis, Pharmacists and Medical Studems who would like to he put on the free mailing list are invited Iii drop a pc’, mentioning MOTOn SPORT, to Mr. A. H. I. Londe. Abbott Laboratories Ltd., a, Baker Street, London, W.1.


Congratulations to the Head-mistresses of Felixstowe College and Queenswitod Girls’ Public School, Hatfield, for allowing pupils to

take thriving lessons. Miss Enid Es:;ame„1.P., Head-mistress of Qtteenswood. states that she. has been shocked by the bad-driving eases she deals with in Court, adding that ” Driving and cooking are essential skills for the young woman ttf today.” Nine out of sixteen of her girls passed their driving test recently, and at Felixstowe College all 14 of the girls who took the test passed. This represents 75 per cent. success, .compared to the National average of 40 per emit., so the girls have justified their Head-mistresses’ faith in them. The tests eoincided with school examinations and the pupils who failed are expected to pass next time when they have leas. on their minds.

The girls were all 17 or 18 years of age and were taught by the British School of Motoring, inn about 15 lessons each in dualteom rot ears. May other Head-mistresses follow these praiseworthy examples of modern thinking and application.–W. B.


A printer’s error in last month’s road-teat of the M.G. Magnette Mk. 3 made it appear that the car did 241 miles without requiring any oil. In fact. the Editor drove it more than 540 miles without any Castro! being needed.

The Ford Motor Company has introdueed a new car polish known as ” 105 Silicone ” which is said to clean. polish and protect. Ford dealers everywhere, says the hand-trot, sell it for 9s. 6d. a tin.