of the wiring and the air-filter on top of the engine did not make it easy to pour in oil ; also I was horrified to see that, due to…
THERE must be many thousands of motorists who, during the past few months, have learned a great deal more accurately what their motoring costs than ever before ; which is only another way of commenting -upon the enormous demand for the Motorine Log Book published last year. So great was this demand that edition after edition was repeatedly exhausted
and Price’s, who issued this Log Book have now coped with the demand by publishing a ” Junior ” version. This—a smaller Log Book contains all the necessary charts and records which will enable the motorist to keep close track of all his motoring expenditure. It is of very convenient size to carry in the pocket of the car, and will undoubtedly receive an even greater welcome than its
larger prototype which it succeeds.
To secure the original Log Book, motorists were asked to send to Price’s a receipted bill for the purchase of a gallon of Motorine. The manufacturers of Motorine will be happy to send, however, a copy of this smaller Log Book to any motorist who cares to make application to Price’s, Battersea, London, S.W.11, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.