"Aston Martin Manual-1921-1958"

“Aston Martin Manual-1921-1958.” 404 pp. 8 3/4 in. x 5 1/8 in. (Pertly & Routleff Ltd., 4, Kirchen Road, Landon, W.13. 65s. 6d. post free.)

This is a quite remarkable publication for a one-make Club to have sponsored, this manual having been compiled for the Aston Martin Owners’ Club. Edited by Dudley Coram, this book contains practically everything any owner could wish to know about Aston Martin models between the years 1921 and 1958 inclusive. The emphasis is on maintenance. Section I covets general information and data, Section II routine maintenance and lubrication, Section Ill general overhauls, Section IV is devoted to electrical wiring diagrams, and Section V covers general components, carburetters, clutches, brakes, and electrics, while the final section is devoted to engineering drawings and extremely useful appendices. I thought that the Bentley D.C. was the one-make organisation which published the most comprehensive literature devoted to the cars owned by its members, but this Aston Martin publication is quite unique and no owner of an Aston Martin car, whether one of the early side-valve models or any of the models made subsequently up to 1958, can possibly afford to be without it. A quite remarkable publication!—W. B.