CLUB NEWS, September 1982

Riley Register

THE Riley Register, which caters for all pre-war Coventry-built Rileys, is in a healthy state financially. It has an Autumn Weekend on September 25th / 26th, at which, among other happenings including the dinner and AGM, cars will assemble at 9.30 a.m. on the Sunday on Southport sands, where those motor-races used to be held, for presentation to the Mayor of Southport, before leaving for a parade and 20-mile run to the lunch stop. No racing is scheduled but no doubt Odell’s ex-sand-racing 10.8 h.p. Riley, which once competed at this famous venue, will endeavour to be present.

At the Coventry Weekend the main Concours d’Elegance awards were won as follows: Burville Trophy (most original), G. Paterson’s 1932 Monaco; Muller Trophy (best novice), R. D. Smith’s 1936 Lynx-Sprite; Gibson Trophy, R. Ball (1933 Monaco); Theobald Trophy, R. Halahan (1936 Lynx); the class winners being J. Stammers’ 1930 tourer, Smith’s Lynx-Sprite, G. Bosworth’s 1934 Kestrel, I. Hall’s 1936 Sprite and P. Reed’s 1936 Special. The Register’s President is A. P. Bird, the Vice-Presidents Messrs. Farrar, Hamilton, Smyth and Stoton, and the Hon. Sec. is I. Thorpe, 26 Hillcrest Close, Tamworth, Staffs. B79 8PA.

Giulietta Register

A SEPARATE Register within the Alfa Romeo Owners Club has been formed to allow owners of earlier Giuliettas to establish contact. Members of the Register receive a regular newsletter, the Giuliettaletta, which includes spares information, a serialised history of the model, and a healthy classified section. So far some 150 cars are registered, and Secretary Tony Stevens would like to hear from other current or past owners of these fine cars. His address is: Ferncliffe, Openwoodgate, Belper, Derbyshire. Tel: 077382 2514.

South Yorkshire Transport Society

ON SUNDAY September 26th, the South Yorkshire Transport Society will be holding their eighth Annual Rally at Norfolk Park, Sheffield. Entry is open to all types of vehicles of historic interest, and the organisers expect over 300 entries, ranging from cars of all periods to traction engines and bicycles. The day begins with a road-run from Barnsley to Norfolk Park, where events start at 12.30 p.m. Enquiries and entries will be dealt with by Ian Suttle, 59 Sally Rd., Sheffield 12. Tel: 0742 470230.

TR Register

WE HAVE just received the 50th issue of TRaction, the magazine of the above club, and very impressive it is. A full A4 size, it sports a glossy colour cover and centre-spread, and contains 50 pages of reports, group meetings, stories, advertisements, technical advice and social news. All in all, a very creditable offering from this well-organised and active club.

Amongst the forthcoming events mentioned in TRaction are the International TR Weekend at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern, Worcs., which is on September 4/5th, and the “Lake District Tour” on the following weekend, September 11/12th, which Chris Glasbey can advise you about. Tel: 021-382 7990.