The Safety of Modern Cars




I am appalled at the efficiency (?) of modern hand-brakes, which seem to have reached the state of the American “parking brake. It makes one wonder how many modern cars would pass the 10-year test even in new condition in this respect. The highest reading my friend’s 3.4 Mk. II Jaguar (disc-brakes) has recorded is 12%, and the highest I have heard of is 18%. Does it automatically follow that all disc-braked cars will be off the road in 10 years time? If so—what price progress ?

Since manufacturers’ faults can fail a car as well as wear defects, either the test regulation of 25% will have to be lowered, or a better brake produced for discs as all the 1956-61 disc-brake models will be failed en bloc.

Regarding the Moskvitch 407 saloon, I hope your remark of ¾-turn steering play meant ¾ in. as I don’t think Mr. Marples would like it very much. His test regulations are framed to make 3 in. a maximum, although there is no stated amount, just a typical “no excessive lost motion.”

I am, Yours, etc.,  C. Wild.  Rhyl. 

(Three-quarters of a turn it was!—Ed.)