south africa's first grand prix



South Africa’s First GrandPri ‘ x . “

” The Border 100 ” is the title given to the first serious attempt to hold a road race in South Africa. This event will take place on December 27th, over the 16-mile Marine Drive Circuit, on the west bank of the Buffalo River at East London. Six laps will be covered by the competitors giving a total distance of 96 miles.

Altogether 430 guineas in prize money has been amassed, in addition to the magnificent Barnes Trophy, valued at 100 guineas. The distribution of prizes has been planned as follows : 1st, the Barnes Trophy, to be held for one year, and 250 guineas in cash ; 2nd, 100 guineas in cash and a gold medal ; 3rd, 50 guineas in cash and a gold medal. There will be small cash prizes for the fastest lap, fastest race-fime, and the most meritorious performance.

Any type of car can enter, so long as it is stripped for racing. Women drivers are not eligible. Mechanics are optional, but if they are going to be carried their names must be entered on the entry form. The entry fee, by the way, is five guineas per car, and overseas entries will be accepted Up to November 30th. In view of the wide range of cars that will compete in the race, a time handicap will be devised with the greatest possible care to ensure a fair result to all concerned.

The Marine Drive Circuit was built last year as a pleasure drive, and has a good surface. There are no acute corners, but plenty of fast bends and curves, while the straight stretches allow really high speeds to be attained. We understand that Sir Malcolm Campbell has signified his intention of

competing if he should go out to South Africa at the end of the year.

We wish the organisers—” South African National Motor Car Road Race Organisers “—the very best Of success with their new enterprise. May they have a fine entry, good Sport, a tremendous crowd, And no accidents !

Successes Abroad.

An A.C. sports 4-seater has been distinguishing itself abroad. In the hands of its Swiss owner, Mr. Christian Kantz, the car won the Swiss Championship in the 1,500-3,000 c.c. Touring Class by virtue of its Victories in the following events :

R heineck-Walsenhausen, Devilier-Les Rangiers and Montreux-Caux. This performance was particularly fine in view of the fact that the car was “giving away” 1,000 c.c. to some of its competitors.