Collectable eye protection Vintage eye protection Motoring or aviation goggles with oval lenses and gauze sides; part of a collection. £495 www.bentleyslondon.com Motorcycle goggles Unused and boxed set of…
W HERE there’s fire there’s
smoke”— but the unusual activity suggested by the illustration is really indicative of the spirit that prevails in the Telamite works. All the Telamite workers feel that —both from your point of view and the other fellows’—you really ought to specify Telamite ! 11
Compare Telamite with any other fining. Write .for a sample to-day, addressing Dept. 31.
BRAKE “Telamite” 9 LINING
St. John’s Works. Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Telamite Works, Bentham.
Lancaster. London Branch : 7, Bury Street, St. Mary Axe, E.C. 3.