Letters from readers, March 1943
Sir, I feel that in my letter, published in January, I have not made myself quite clear as to what is in my mind. I acknowledge the fact that there…
For the past two years riders in the Tourist Trophy Races have been limited to the use of ordinary commercial petrol, or petrol-benzole mixtures. The question of fuel has had careful consideration in view of the advent on the market of ” Ethyl ” petrol. It has been decided not to allow the use of any doped petrol this year because it is felt that in many cases the designs of machines for the 1928 Races have proceeded so far that it would be very difficult to alter them so as to take advantage of the new fuel, and also because if this fuel was permitted it would be very difficult to ensure that other doped petrols which might not be commercially obtainable were not also being used. The fuels that may be used will therefore be exactly the same as were permitted last year.