Volkwagen Passat GTE
Fulfils a specific niche, but it might be best to buy a diesel Appending an acronym as sporting in sound and intention as ‘GTE’ to a Passat might be seen…
” F..itisodes from History.No, 8. Novolari ill all 111.(illIK’S1 ill 1936 ! Not on y•oltr life. Ile pedalled
a eight-cylinder Alfa to such 9:ood rittrpn,t. titat all IttroY Ntell’s got verY out of’ breath ItIld had tO be pith alVay fun’ a bit, while the Auto-l’ition boys tlithl’t look so happy +Allen it was all over. .N.Int was the Fultrer pleased ! First Ilarcchum, then Budapest. Neither leant dared appear al Nlilatt; in ease Tazio put
it :teross for a I Idol time, Vttrzi, the only non-.‘ryan, tvas sent with an .‘ttio-l’ilion to retrieve sonic of the lost prestige. It didn’t come orr by iluic s,..cood,, hot it might have dont. it’ he hod used a Type 51 !lug:01i again !
I 711111, r 01 II’S, 11 e. l’Atst MaIling, JosEcti I Ve tohnit the error but claim (hail the caption to the original photograph mislt•d us. The raec was %von Nuvolari’s .All’a-Itonteo at 69.52 m.p.h. from !loseIneyer’s Auto-111;1km ark Varzi’s Auto-1.;n1