Eldridge Special Postscript


I have just been reading the latest issue of The Alvis 12/50 Register Bulletin in which there is a letter from Tony Richardson, relating to a meeting with a Mrs Aspden, whose late husband had a FWD Alvis. The letter refers to MOTOR SPORT of September 1958, in which Ralph Aspden contributed an article in the series “Cars I have owned”.

Upon digging out this issue and re-reading it, I find Aspden refers to purchasing a road-going Eldridge in the Preston area, and later selling it to a gentleman in Cambridge. This, then, is exactly congruent with my finding in the Lancashire Record Office a ‘TE’-registered Eldridge with a last owner’s address in Cambridge, about which I wrote to you earlier in the year following your Eldridge feature.

Even more interestingly, with the September 1958 article, Aspden has provided a photograph of the very car, though sadly without the number plate visible.

Dave Culshaw, Wigan, Lancs.