Five-star petrol
Sir, I was very interested to read the letter front Mr. Christopher Clarke, published in the issue for June 1978, concerning the difficulty experienced now in obtaining 5-star petrol since…
Sir, While much space, is quite rightly, devoted to ” Vintage” motors, very little is heard of that grand model from the factory of England’s only Grand Prix winning marque—Sunbeam. The type is, of course, the ” 3-litre sports.” The Bentley (all models) and the 30/98 Vauxhall seem to share all the admiration and attention of the ” lads.” While admitting their good points, I claim the
‘Beam is just a ” wee bit” better f To back up this, may I quote from “The Autocar ” April 21st, 1933—readers’ experience section. The car, built in 1927, was bought in January ’28 with 11,000 miles to its credit. At 44,000 miles the performance was :—At 3,8(X) r.p.m., 2nd 50 m.p.h., 3rd, 62; top 90. The maximum was 98 m.p.h. and the unit ran up to 4,400 r.p.m. quite happily. No acceleration figures ,Are given. Will the standard 3-litre Bentley do 98 ? The Sunbeam
has a wheelbase of 10 ft. 10ins, and a chassis weight of 26 cwt. Should any “8-litre ” owner live within reasonable distance of such a “
Cod-forsaken” hole as Woodford, I would like to get in touch with hint, via our obliging and hard-working friend, the editor. I am, Yours etc.,
H. PRATLEY. Woodford,