A Bentley Mystery
Sir, Looking recently through a copy of an aviation year-book for 1931, I noted that amongst the civil aircraft registered for that year, was a DH60 Moth, G-ABAG, owned by…
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1924 3.per copy 1925 3 per copy 1926 2/6 per copy 1927 2,6 per copy
2d. per copy postage-Cash with order. MOTOR SPORT, 21, CITY ROAD, LONDON, E0C.1 1928 26 per copy 1929 2 per copy 1930 2per copy 1931 2,per copy 1932 1/per copy 1933 Ifper copy 1934 1/per copy 1935 1/per copy 1936 to date 6d. per copy