Sir, As an enthusiast who has just moved from London to a farm four miles from

I ‘Afield I am very keen to meet any ,cal enthusiasts who are interested in the Sport, especially if they can wield a spanner to sonic purpose. I have a fairly interesting collection of

machinery : ” 2 ‘3 ” Single-en III (;, P.

Bugatti, Spec .• 110 ” Talbot, a c •• N.”

Magnette and Vincent 11.14.1). ” but my mechanical knowledge is very sketchy. Do you think that there are air loecl reskients who would care to help tinker with the above-mentioned 1,,,,rhinery oral

help keep it in dicing trim ? Alter the war I hope to establish an adequate workshop when I return from playing at soldiers. All the best to your excellent paper. I inn, Yours etc.,

P. F. IVIIALLEV. Bush bury, Blackboys,

Sussex. (Franifield 24.) [Please contact direct. —Ed.]