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Private Cars and Trailers.
Private Cars and Trailers. Automobile Association, in a a case recently heard at Southam, (Warwickshire) successfully defended a motorist charged…
Private Cars and Trailers. Automobile Association, in a a case recently heard at Southam, (Warwickshire) successfully defended a motorist charged…
Developments in Buenos Aires. Root es 'Ltd. AS already ;trutounced, Root es 'Ltd. have formed a new companyRootes (Argentina) Ltd.—to…
Pocket Tyre Gauge. APOCKET gauge for readingtyre pressures, fitting like a fountain pen into the waistcoat pocket, is now being…
Letters on any subject of interest to readers of "Motor Sport" are always welcome, but correspondents are asked to be…
Speeds in the" Double-Twelve." IN a recent issue, your correspondent complains that in the last seventeen years, average speeds of…
Brooklands Possibilities. IN the July issue of MOTOR SPORT there was an article entitled " Brooklands Possibilities" in which certain…
'Frit mph Cars for 1932 A New Nine" in the Range AT the invitation of the Triumph Company we recently…
Oitalleati BRIGHTON AND HOVE M.C. ON Saturday, September 5th, the club will hold its annual Brooklan.ds meeting which is open…
The Editor invites Club Secretaries to send details of their fixtures, sporting and social, for publication in these columns. These…
THE 100 M.P.H. AUSTIN AND WHAT CAPTAIN WAITE HAD TO SAY ABOUT IT THE rapid development of the " 750…
THE SPORT ABROAD The Grand Prix du Comminges. TO those sceptics who insist that motorracing can never be really popular…
i-NIVING THE Specialising in the Re-conditionin.g and Tuning of the Famous " 30 98 " Vauxhall. IT is now four…
Dutch Motorcycle T.T. In the Dutch Motorcycle T.T. at Assen, all three classes were won by British riders on British…
Continental News THE FRIBOURG HILL-CLIMB. Hill-Climb was run on THE Fribourg Hill-Climb was run on Sunday, the 26th July. As…
AND NOW FOR THE SCHNEIDER TROPHY rl IN less than a Lfortnight's Nine, if all goes . well, the attention…
HISTORY OF THE RACE What Has Happened in 18 Years. THE history of the race for the trophy given by…
EarlySeaplanes. HISTORY, especially aviation history is always rather enthralling, and I am all attention when a pioneer of flying becomes…
THE THAMES INTERNATIONAL MEETING THE arrangements for the Thames International Motor Boat Meeting were, as on previous occasions, in the…
TROPHY CONTEST AND CIVIL AIRCRAFT THE Automobile Association will be in sole charge of the arrangements at the Portsmouth and…
For years people like me have been moaning about the decline of manual gearboxes in the cars we like to drive, or at least would like to drive if we…
Many of the Monterey Car Week’s main attractions are static. Many, but not all… Laguna Seca hosts racing to suit every taste For some, seeing an unparalleled line-up of the…
A few weeks ago Paul Fearnley documented Colin Chapman’s last Formula 1 cars, including the twin-chassis Lotus 88. Chapman was renowned for pushing the limit and breaking new ground, which…
The last few races has seen Ferrari fall far behind Red Bull in both title races, but Charles Leclerc isn't giving up just yet